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A. students’ casual attitude to private information

B. the technical support offered by the websites

C. the approval given by the students themselves

D. the special right granted by the government

39. How did Fairfax County police identify the teenagers as gang members?

A. By investigating the students recruited.

B. By sending a policeman to spy on the gang.

C. By watching the spot they meet regularly.

D. By checking their self-descriptions online.

40. what does the author mainly discuss in the passage?

A. Students’ neglect of protecting their privacy online.

B. Internet helping police maintain school and public order.

C. Social networking sites having bad influence on teenagers.

D. Police’s unwelcome interference in students’ online activities.

三. 信息匹配 (共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分):



41. You should watch where your weight accumulates. You can use the waist to hip ratio to find if there is too much fat around the middle. Belly fat is especially dangerous because it release free fatty acids directly to the liver, virtually flooding it with fat.

42. If a particular food is important to you, eat it, but work it off. You should try to learn the art of compromise.

43. At the same time. the three-for-one is relatively simple to use. Fat grams and calories are listed on almost all boxed, canned or packaged foods-you have only to read the label and follow the rule. A five-year-old patient of mine can do this.

44. Drinking water is basic, and drinking enough of it is necessary. Patients are sometimes surprised that basic things work when they do them consistently.

45. Consume antioxidant foods. They protect the cholesterol(胆固醇) from oxidative damage,which helps prevent damage to blood vessel walls.

A. More than nine years ago I was 70 pounds overweight and wore a very big dress. I had tried different diets and lost weight only to gain it back. Finally a simple "three-for-one" fat rule worked for me: consuming no more than three grams of fat for every 100 calories per serving. Following the rule and eating only foods that contain less than 30 percent fat, I spent eight months getting down to a size seven, and I've kept the weight off for nine years.

B. And for foods that aren't packaged, you rely on what we already know about them. Red meat,as well as dishes made or served with butter, gravy, cream sauce or cheese, are almost never less than 30 percent fat--so you just don't eat them. On the other hand, some non-packed foods -- all fruits and vegetables except avocadoes and olives -- always pass the test. So do most fish, but not when fried.

C. I like vegetables, which are rich in vitamins. Most foods containing vitamins C and E(such as sweet potatoes, tomatoes, spinach and broccoli) are low in calories and are known as antioxidants(抗氧化物质).They can help reduce the possibility to develop hardening the arteries (动脉)

D. I gain weight around the belly--what we call abdominal obesity, the worst kind. The tendency seems to be hereditary (遗传的) , and it's common among men. This problem increases the risk of a stroke or heart attack.  A guide I use in estimating belly fat is the waist-to-hip ratio or WHR. To find yours, divide the circumference (周围) of your waist by the circumference of you hips. Women with ratios above 0.8 and men with ratios above 1.0 are at increased health risk.

E. My ways of keeping healthy are very simple, and they are among our everyday activities: eating healthy food and doing exercise. In addition, I manage to do those basic things, such as drinking water, sleeping well and eating less fat. Sometimes I do some of the other things I used to do in my life like walking for half an hour a day.

F.  Although I've put on ten pounds. I'm healthy and in good shape. I eat food that's good for me...but I work off Susan's homemade brownies (巧克力蛋糕), for example, To offset these

extra calories, I walk for an hour or more, three times a week...often with Susan. We're both busy and this is one way we have some quiet time together. Equally important, it permits me  to practice dieting's fine art of compromise.

第II卷 (共60分)

四. 语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分):

Many years ago, when I was fresh out of school and working in Denver, I was driving to my parents’ home in Missouri __46__ Christmas. I stopped at a gas station about 50 miles from Oklahoma City, __47__ I was planning to stop and visit a friend. While I was standing in line at the cash register, I said hello to an older couple who were also paying for gas. Then I took off, but had gone only a few miles __48__ black smoke poured from the back of my car. I stopped and was wondering __49__ to do when a car pulled up behind me. It was the couple I __50__ (speak) to at the gas station. They said they would take me to my __51__ (friend). We chatted on the way into the city and when I got out of the car, the husband gave me his business card. I wrote him and his wife __52__ thank-you note for helping me. Soon afterwards, I received a Christmas present from them, __53__ (come)with it was their note that said helping me had made their holidays meaningful. Whenever I was helped, I never failed to say “Thank you” -- two simple __54__ powerful words. __55__ are easy to say and mean so much.

五. 单词拼写 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分):

56. While in New York, I preferred to use the subway, namely the u__________(地铁) in London.

57. The c_________ (结合)of a good working environment and a high income makes him decide to stay in the U.S.

58. Generally speaking, a good teacher has a p______ (深远的)influence on a child’s future.

59. Apart from academic performance, we should also care much about the development of a student’s p______.(个性)

60. Graduating from a medical school doesn’t mean that you are a q______(合格)doctor. You need practice as well.

61. If you want to know more about our society, please keep in c________(联系)with us anytime you like.

62. He has made a good r________ (名声)for himself as a lawyer, as everyone in the neighborhood respects him.

63. Every year the Dragon Boat Festival is observed in different places of China in m _______(纪念)of Qu Yuan, a great poet in ancient times.

64. With the National Day coming, all kinds of c________ (庆祝)are being held all over the country.

65. If the environment continues to get worse with nothing done, sooner or later it will lead to the e______(灭绝)of some animals.

66. Australia is the only country which covers a c________(洲) , where we can see varieties of rare animals.

67. The s_________(满意的) look on his face showed that he had found a new job.

68. While e____________(遭遇) difficulties, we should keep calm and face them bravely.

69. O_____(显而易见), traffic jams have become the biggest problem facing different governments.

70. At present, more and more species are in danger. How to save the e_______ (濒临灭绝的) animals is what we should do now.

71. In Japan, more and more r______ (退休)old people choose to live in the country instead of cities.

72. All the products sold in our store are usually g________ (担保) for one year.

73. On Christmas, the beautiful green trees d________ (装饰)with lights and colored glass balls give people hope that spring will come again.

74. Li Ning, the prince of gymnasts, has won 106 gold medals in various major c______ (比赛) across the world in his career life.

75. The tallest buildings in London are small in c_________(比较) with those in New York.

六. 用适当的词组或短语完成下列句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分):

76. Nowadays, the government can take immediate action ____ ____ ____(应对) emergencies.

77. Most children _____ it _____ _____(认为…理所当然) that their parents should provide for them whatever they need.

78. As is known to all, many stories in some newspapers are _____ _____(捏造) to attract the public attention and increase the sales.

79. The U.K. is short for the United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, _____ _____ (由…组成) four different countries.

80. Students as we are, we can also _____ _____ _____(有影响) in the society through our own efforts.

七. 基础写作 (共1题;满分15分):


讲座1            讲座2

内容:英国文化与英语语言教学      内容:美国的基础教育

主讲:Peter Smith教授(英国)        主讲:Patrick Lin先生(美国)

时间:15:30-17:00      时间:15:30-17:00

地点:图书馆302室          地点:图书馆202室



1. 昨天下午,学校为全校师生安排了两个讲座,都受到高度评价;

2. 全校共有1000多名师生听了这两个讲座;

3. 大部分参加者认为受益匪浅,希望以后学校能多组织这种讲座。






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