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34.----- Jack,you seem in high spirits.

------____________We won the match 4-0.

A.Guess what?      B.So what?          C.No wonder.     D.No double

35.----I am sorry to have ____ too much of your time.

----That's OK, and I am glad to help you.

A.taken up       B.taken on      C.taken off       D.taken in



The other night,I had to go to a meeting,which lasted past my daughter’s bedtime.I  36  home and was brushing my teeth when I  37  ,and there on the bathroom mirror was a note in the  38   of a heart.It said,“Hi,Mom! I Love You.Laurel.”  39  ,I cut a heart out of a piece of paper,and taped a(n)   40  next to hers,saying,“I Love You,Too,Laurel. Mom,”which she  41   the next morning.Our family has   42   that by integrating writing into our  43  activities,we become more thoughtful of each other.Meanwhile,our daughter is learning to enjoy writing and becoming a(n)   44  writer.

While teaching in a primary school,I  45   how influential parents can be as children learn to write.  46   when our daughter first began to scribble(乱涂),I became   47  by her work.I offered praise for her   48 ,for I found that scribbling is far more complex and important than I had   49 .It was obvious that her scribbles,  50   being lovely art objects,showed a lot about her   51   of the world of writing.

Gradually,our family began writing a great deal.I sensed that writing helped Laurel learn  52  to read.As a matter of fact,by   53 my own child and her friends and by reading professional books,I became more and more  54  about how writing develops and how  55  can help children become eager writers.

36.A.1eft    B.returned   C.missed   D.headed

37.A.turned up      B.turned down     C.looked up    D.looked on

38.A.size   B.shade          C.model  D.shape

39.A.Immediately  B.Suddenly       C.Finally       D.Directly

40.A.picture        B.article         C.note   D.page

41.A.felt          B.wrote          C.read   D.heard

42.A.found        B.imagined       C.dreamed  D.doubted

43.A.relative       B.useful         C.daily   D.personal

44.A.important     B.ordinary          C.fortunate  D.skilled

45.A.learned       B.regarded   C.considered  D.discussed

46.A.Yet   B.Though   C.But   D.So

47.A.disappointed B.attracted       C.puzzled  D.worried

48.A.effects   B.efforts         C.suggestions D.methods

49.A.cared   B.insisted   C.realized  D.proved

50.A.apart from     B.far from       C.instead of  D.rather than

51.A.arguments  B.fear    C.understanding D.dislikes

52.A.when   B.how    C.what   D.whether

53.A.noticing  B.discovering  C.checking  D.observing

54.A.particular  B.clear    C.anxious  D.crazy

55.A.teachers  B.friends   C.books  D.parents




The Chinese-born American architect Ieoh Ming Pei is one of the most creative architects of our times. He has incorporated both eastern and western ideas into his designs.

Ieoh Ming Pei was born in Guangzhou, China on April 26, 1917. His father was a famous banker. In 1935, at the age of 17, he came to the United States to study architecture at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1942, he entered the Harvard Graduate School of Design.

In 1964, Jacqueline Kennedy selected Pei to design the Kennedy library. After that he became well-known all of the world. People named it one of the Ten Best Buildings in the United States. In 1968, Pei started work on the East Wing of the National Gallery of Art, in Washington D.C.. Over one million people visited the building during its first 50 days in existence.

Following the East Wing project Pei's fame has continued to grow widely. In 1983, French President commissioned(委任) Pei to help make the Louvre more modern. Ten years later, the completion of Pei’s glass pyramid at the Louvre created a new historic landmark for Paris. Pei described it as, "the greatest challenge and greatest accomplishment of my career." At Fragrant Hill, a 300-room hotel in the Chinese capital, Pei has attempted to bring to his native China his often-quoted "third way of making buildings." Avoiding both a complete copying of traditional Chinese motifs(特色) as well as the modernism of the West, Pei has managed, at Fragrant Hill, to make one of his most eloquent(有说服力的) statements.

Pei has designed nearly 50 projects in the United States and abroad. About half of these projects have won major awards. Pei has been awarded the highest honors from nations over the world. In 1990, Pei was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President George Bush for his contributions to world peace and service to the US government.

56. Which is the right order of the events of Ieoh Ming Pei?

a. Pei started work on the East Wing of the National Gallery of Art, in Washington DC.

b. Ieoh Ming Pei entered the Harvard Graduate School of Design.

c. The completion of Pei’s glass pyramid at the Louvre created a new historic landmark for Paris.

d. Ieoh Ming Pei was selected to design the Kennedy library.

e. Ieoh Ming Pei was born in Guangzhou.

f. Pei was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President George Bush.

g. Ieoh Ming Pei came to Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

h. French President commissioned Pei to help make the Louvre more modern.

A. e-g-d-b-a-h-c-f        B. e-g-b-d-a-h-c-f     C. e-g-b-d-h-a-c-f        D. e-g-b-d-a-h-f-c

57. The underlined word “incorporate” can be replaced by __________.

A. divide               B. combine            C. separate           D. part

58. It was ____________ that Ieoh Ming Pei became world-famous.

A. after the completion of Pei’s glass pyramid at the Louvre

B. after he designed East Wing of the National Gallery of Art, in Washington DC

C. after he designed the Kennedy library

D. after he designed the Fragrant Hill

59. __________ is an excellent building that shows both the traditional Chinese motifs and the modernism of the West.

A. Fragrant Hill

B. Pei’s glass pyramid at the Louvre

C. The East Wing of the National Gallery of Art

D. Kennedy library

60. We can infer that about _________of Ieoh Ming Pei’s projects have won major awards.

A. 50              B. 15                C. 25               D. 35


One day in my class,Maria shared her feelings about money,“Money worries me. I think I want to live without money because I hate it. I HATE MONEY.” We were all touched by Maria's words as they

reminded us of the spiritual burdens that money managing can bring to us. After class I offered to help Maria deal with her financial problems. She hesitated to accept my offer,and I could see from the expression on her face that she was afraid of what it might involve. I quickly promised her that I wouldn't make her do more than she was able to. I told her frankly that I didn't enjoy managing my money any more than she did hers and wouldn't burden her with guilt,judgments,or impossible tasks. All I would ask her to do was to let me help her look at her fears and try to make some sense of them.

Maria still resisted my offer,and I can remember the excuses she gave me as they were the repeated complaints I had heard from so many people. “I'll never understand money,”she said. “My facts are meaningless.” “I don't deserve to have money.” “I never have enough.” “I have too little to manage.” “My financial position isn't worth looking at.” and the most devastating one of all,“I just can't do it.”

Going home that day,I couldn't get Maria out of my mind:her attitude conveyed the same negativity and  fear that I believed annoyed many people. I was sure it was this attitude that prevented people from managing their money effectively. My counseling(咨询)has taught me that these anxieties are  inseparably connected to our self ¬doubts and fear for survival. Many of us are terrified of handling our money because we don't believe we can do it well,and to do it wrong would put our very existence at risk.

On a deeper level we know that money is not the source of life,but sense of worth drives us to act as if it were. It locks us up in self ¬doubts and prevents us from tapping into the true source of our management power,our spirit.

61.The underlined word “devastating” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________.

A.convincing                B.interesting        C.shocking                  D.valuable

62.Maria's words moved the author and others because they were ________.

A.in the same financial trouble      B.in the same financial condition

C.of the same family background    D.of the same feeling over the issue

63.As for money managing,the author intended to tell Maria how to ________.

A.overcome her fears              B.make wise decisions

C.avoid making mistakes           D.learn the necessary skills

64.Maria wouldn't take the author's offer of help for fear of________.

A.being forced to share her money with others    B.having to do something beyond her reach

C.being found guilty of making impossible errors

D.showing her judgment about money

65.According to the author,people's anxieties about managing money result from their understanding of

money as the only source of ________.

A.life             B.values        C.spirit            D.power


Don’t go to Kauai. Go to any of the other Hawaiian Islands—Maui, Lanai, the Big Island—but leave Kauai for us. The weather on Kauai is so unpredictable that sometimes it rains all day—in fact, it’s the second –wettest spot on the earth. Yes, there are giant double rainbows all the time, and the sunlight through the clouds is magical. But if you are not interested in these, go somewhere else. You just can’t control the nature on Kauai, and who wants to surrender to the nature when you could be at a fine hotel, lying in a comfortable chair next to a swimming pool, with food served upon request?


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