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高二必修五Unit5单元练习:First Aid




If you see someone drowning, speed is very important. Once you get him out of the  1  , if he isn't  2 , you have four minutes before his brain is completely__ 3  . Support his neck, tilt (使翘起) his head back and press his chin (下巴) upwards. This_  4 __the tongue blocking the airway in the throat and is sometimes enough to get him breathing again. If that doesn't   5 , start mouth-to-mouth breathing. Press his nostrils (鼻孔)  together with your__ 6__ . Open your __7___ wide and take a deep breath. Blow into his lungs until his chest  8__ . Then remove your mouth and watch his chest fall. Repeat twelve times a minute. Keep doing  9  help arrives.

To bring a child back to   10  keep your lips around his mouth and nose and gently 11 his mouth. Give the first four breaths as quickly as possible to 12  the blood with oxygen. If,  13   your efforts, he starts turning a blue grey color, you can 14  no pulse, then pressing is the 15 chance of saving his life.

With arms straight, rock (摆动) forwards pressing down on the lower half of the breastbones. Don't be too hard   16  you may break a rib (肋骨). Check how effective you are seeing if his color 17__or his pulse becomes independent to your chest    18___. If this  19__ , stop the pressing. Otherwise   20__ until the rescue arrives.

1. A. ground  B. room    C. water   D. forest

2. A. dying   B. breathing  C. swimming   D. crying

3. A. destroyed   B. covered C. thinking   D. moved

4. A. keeps   B. makes   C. does    D. stops

5. A. work B. matter  C. breath  D. start

6. A. feet B. arm C. fingers D. face

7. A. eyes B. hand    C. mouth   D. tongue

8. A. falls   B. moves   C. becomes warm   D. rises

9. A. when B. after   C. as  D. until

10. A. speak  B. life    C. safety  D. smile

11. A. touch  B. press   C. open    D. blow into

12. A. make   B. fill    C. produce D. watch

13. A. as a result of    B. because of C. in spite of    D.thinking of

14. A. feel   B. get C. watch   D. see

15. A. best   B. first   C. latest  D. last

16. A. but B. or  C. so  D. since

17. A. improves   B. changes C. remains the same  D. is still good

18. A. hitting    B. touching   C. pressing   D. moving

19. A. does   B. happens C. works   D. disappears

20. A. pressing   B. keep    C. go  D. continue



People faint when the normal blood supply to the brain is suddenly cut down.This can happen if they are surprised or shocked by sudden news or by something they see suddenly.Some people faint if they see others hurt .Some people faint in crowds .Others faint if they are in a room that is hot and stuffy.

If a person faints while standing,lay him down .If his face is pale ,lift his feet .If he is sitting down when he faints ,place his head between his knees ,loosen any tight clothing that might keep him from breathing easily .If possible ,place a wet cloth on his forehead .

1.People may faint if they       .

A. see their friends in the street     B. see something unexpected

C. see something splendid   D. see something happy

2.If someone has fainted ,we must help him      .

A. not to be shocked B. by moving himself slowly

C. not to be frightened  D. by returning blood to his brain

3.In this passage ,the writer explains      .

A. why people faint and how we help them

B. when people faint and when we help them

C. why people faint and where we help them

D. how people faint and why we help them


We should not drown if we remember these rules:1. Never swim alone. 2. Never swim at a beach if there is no lifeguard. 3. Never swim after a meal or when you feel hungry or tired. 4. Never depend on rings, floats(漂浮物)or other swimming aid. You may lose them or they my let you sink. 5. Don’t stay in the water too long, especially if it is cold. 6. Before you dive, be sure the water is deep enough and you will not hit anybody. 7 Never go out of a boat if you can not swim or if you are not wearing a life jacket.

If you get into difficulty, this is what you should do:1. Keep calm. Save your strength and your breath. 2. Try to float on your back or tread(踩)water. To tread water, move your feet as if you are climbing some stairs. 3. Raise your right arm for help.

Remember: A red means that it is dangerous for all swimmers to enter the water. A blue flag means that it is dangerous for children and weak swimmers to enter the water.

4. Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the passage?

A. After lunch, you feel hot, you can go bathing in the river.

B. Don’t hold on to anything in the water.

C. Don’t stay in the water as long as you would prefer

D. You can go boating wearing a life jacket.

5. Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the passage?

A.Treading water can save your strength.

B. Float on your back by moving your feet as if climbing stairs.

C. The water with a red flag means dangerous for all swimmers.

D. A blue flag near a pool means it is dangerous for children and weak swimmers.



1. The boy has no idea of time. He is always late for class.

2. It’s more difficult to sail through the wind.

3. Could you imagine the boy is killed by his own father.

4. It took the firemen three hours to rescue the students trapped in the burnt building.

5. A number of people suffering cancer is increasing very fast.

6. The boy refused to go abck to school as his teacher told him to do.

7. The boy fell off his bike after he knew what had happened.

8. No one in my family but my parents are interested in the play.

9. Take it easy. He’ll get over in a week and two.

10. The boy burst into tears immediately that he saw his mother.

11. It is no doubt that Mary will win the competition.

12. Why do you keep silent when speaking to?

13. It will be ten days that he comes back to college.

14. It is in the house where he lives where the meeting will be held.

15. The railway in the use needs to be repaired.


1. 医生正准备对失血太多的男孩施于急救,突然听到房间外有尖叫声。(give first aid)


2. 这个车祸使这二辆车撞的面目全非。(damage)


3. 他从不听别人的意见总是固执已见。(stick to)


4. 你是否参加这个晚会对我没有任何影响。(make a difference)


5. 毫无疑问地有民族自尊心。(feel proud of)


6. 这个城市几乎没有采取措施净化废水。(take measure to do)


7. 花死了,你本应该给它多浇些水。(should have done)


8. 医生正竭尽全力抢救小孩的生命。(go all out)


9. 大学毕业后他准备从政(take up)


10. 对我们来说,懂一些急救知识是必要的。(have a knowledge of)




December 19,Monday                                      Fine

This morning I was walking on my way to school.I heard someone crying for help.The cry was not far away.I ran over to see what had happened.I found a boy.He was struggling in the river.

I put down my school bag.Then I jumped into the river to save him.I didn’t take off my clothes.The water was very cold.I kept trembling.But I encouraged myself to swim forward.At last,I pulled the boy to the bank.But the boy didn’t seem to breathe.I put his stomach on my knees.

Soon the dirty water came out of his mouth.Then I made him lie on his back on the ground and gave first aid to him in a mouth-to-mouth way.Soon the boy came back to life..

This morning I was on my way to school _______________________________(1). I ran over to see what had happened___________________________________(2), I put down my schoolbag and jumped into the river to save him_____________________________(3). The water was so cold ________________________________(4). But I encouraged myself to swim forward.At last I pulled the boy to the bank.It seemed__________________(5). I put his stomach on my knees and soon the dirty water came out of his mouth.After leaving him________________________ (6), I gave first aid to him in a mouth-to-mouth way. It ________________________________ (7).



高二英语Unit5单元测试题:First Aid

高二英语单元测试题:Unit 5 First Aid


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