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第I卷 选择题(共4大题;满分60分)

一、 听力部分(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)

1-5 BACBC    6-10 AACBA   11-15 ACBBC   16-20 ACCBA

二、 单项选择 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

21-25 ADCBB  26-30 DCBAD

三、 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

31-35 ABDCB  36-40 CBBDA   41-45 CDDAB   46-50 CCABC

四、阅读理解  (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)

51-53 CAD    54 -56 BAD     57- 60 CCBD

第II卷 非选择题(共5大题;满分60分)


1. range     2. anxiety    3.awkward     4. overcame       5. forgive

6. original   7. security    8. sincerely    9. acquaintance    10.flooding


1. being admitted 2.absorbed    3. making         4. having worked   5.stay

6. replacing     7. to clone    8. being persuaded  9. changed        10. focused


1. take; consideration/account   2. without; permission   3. what; was

4. couldn’t; better             5.Not knowing      6.to blame

7. is beneficial         8. regardless of       9. end up       10. running out


1. effect/impact/influence   2. Tips/Suggestions/Advice

3. associated/connected/linked   4. chances       5. close     6. whatever

7. including/like     8. similar      9. Avoid    10. change


Recently, whether the young should give their seats to the old on buses is being discussed on the internet. We classmates had a class meeting to discuss the topic. Different students have different opinions on this matter.

Some students are in favor of giving seats to the old. They think that respecting the old is always Chinese traditional virtue. Besides, we will be old one day and we also need others’ help. What’s more, giving seats to the old people is also a civilized behavior.

However, other students think differently. They say that the young people aren’t supermen. They will also get sick and feel tired after a long day’s hard work. They also need seats to rest on. As a result, the old people should try not to take buses during the rush hours. Furthermore, some old people take it for granted that it’s the young’s duty to give seats to them, which makes them unpleasant.

As far as I am concerned, no matter you are the old or the young, you ought to put yourself into others’ shoes and care about others’ feelings. As an old saying goes, “One for all, all for one.”  Only in this way can we have a harmonious society in common.


Text 1

M: How terrible the heat we are having now is!

W: Generally speaking, ①July is the hottest month of the year in Hangzhou. I don’t think the heat will be relieved before August.

Text 2

M: Are you going to join us for lunch, or are you going to eat at your desk again?

W: ②I’m afraid I have to stay at my desk. I am up to my neck in work.

Text 3

M: I want to exercise, but never seem to find time.

W: Why not do it first in the morning?

M: ③But I often get up at seven, have a quick breakfast, and then have to rush to the office by car.

Text 4

M: What would it be like working with those young stars?

W: It was a great group. ④I always got mad when people said that we didn’t get along well, just because we were girls. There was never a fight. We had a great time.

Text 5

W: Look. ⑤ Here’s a job that might interest you.

M: What is it? Are you sure? The last job interview you sent me off to was a disaster.

W: Well, look. It says they want a sales manager. It’s a big international company. That would be good.

Text 6

W: When I got home last night I found a letter from the school I used to study in.⑥ The students there want me to go back and talk to them.

M: Oh, really? And are you going?

W: I don’t know. I used to hate school, so I don’t feel like going back.

M: But it’s different now.

W: Yes, I know. But it’s still a difficult situation. You see, when I was at school I used to be bad at studies and none of the teachers liked me.

M: Well, I think you should go. ⑦When I was younger, I used to dream about meeting a famous pop star. ⑧You can’t let them down.

W: Maybe you are right. OK. I’ll go.

Text 7

M: Mrs. Williams, I’d be grateful if you could just tell me a bit about yourself. Have you been swimming long?

W: No, not long at all. ⑨I started originally to get fit again after my youngest child was born. And I didn’t take it seriously at first; I only started practicing properly when I realized how much I was enjoying it.

M: So when did you start taking it seriously?

W: ⑩I suppose I started taking it seriously about three years ago. I joined the swimming club then, which really made me work at it.

M: And now, how often do you practice?

W: Every day. But I can’t go at a regular time, as I have to make arrangements for the children to

be looked after.

M: And what does your husband think about it?

W: Oh, ⑪he thinks it’s wonderful, and he’s proud of me for getting onto the national team and winning prizes.

M: And how many prizes have you won?

W: Two so far. One was an individual medal and the other was a team cup.

M: Well, Thank you very much, Mrs. Williams.

Text 8

W: Hi, Tommy, got a minute?

M: Sure, come in. What’s on your mind?

W: Oh, ⑫it’s the plan for the students about the use of computers.

M: What’s the trouble?

W: The students are supposed to use the computers for only one hour a day because so many students need to use them every day.

M: I can see that.

W: Well, ⑬now it seems that some of the students aren’t willing to give up their machines when the hour is over.

M: I suppose they feel that it doesn’t matter very much to keep them a few minut es more.

W: Yes, but this makes it hard for those who are waiting to use the machines.

M: You are right. ⑭Let’s prepare a notice right now. Then we can pass it out tomorrow to clear up the problem.

Text 9

W: ⑮Do you need some help?

M: ⑮I guess so. I’m just checking these college rankings. I want to find out which schools are the most popular.

W: Well, Southeastern has the most students, if that’s what you mean.

M: I don’t know. I want to know which school is the most fun. ⑯Where do they have the best parties?

W: Hmm. . . I’m no t sure I can help you there.

M: No? What about Granton College? This magazine says it’s the “good time” school. Everybody who goes there has a lot of fun.

W: I’ve heard that it’s po pular with students.

M: What was the other school you mentioned?

W:  Southeastern?

M: Yeah, what’s it like?

W: Well, it’s a very old, well-established school. Students who are looking for a party should probably look somewhere else.

M: Oh, really? Why’s that? Is it hard to get into?

W: Yes. ⑰The admission requirements are tough, a lot tougher than Granton.

M: And you said it’s really old?

W: It is an old school, established in 1854.

M: Wow! It must have some great party traditions.

Text 10

W: Hi, Mr. Adams?

M: Ah, yes. You must be Kelly. Thanks for coming.

W: Here is my card.

M: Oh, ⑱it is hard to find a good babysitter on a Friday night.

W: ⑱Well, I like watching kids, and I need the extra money.

M: Well, I heard you were one of the best babysitters in the area, and. . .

W: Uh, well, I’d like to talk to you about my new rate increases.

M: Rate increases?

W: You see, Mr. Adams. ⑲I’ve consulted with my financial advisor.

M: What?

W: ⑲Uh, my mother, and she says I should charge more per child since I do cook and clean your house while you’re away.

M: Oh, I see. So, what do you have in mind?

W: Well, as I see it, ⑳I’d like to ask a dollar more per child per hour, and overtime after midnight. Based on my calculations, that’s only 10. 23% above the going market, and I’m now a certified babysitter with training.

M: Oh, I never knew there were courses and certifications in babysitting.

W: Times are changing, Mr. Adams. ⑳I have to figure in expenses for a benefit package to cover college tuition, retirement, and so on. Well, I will tell my mother what to do.



第I卷 选择题(共4大题;满分60分)

四、 听力部分(共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)

1-5 BACBC    6-10 AACBA   11-15 ACBBC   16-20 ACCBA

五、 单项选择 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

21-25 ADCBB  26-30 DCBAD

六、 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

31-36 ABDCB  36-40 CBBDA   41-45 CDDAB   46-50 CCABC

四、阅读理解  (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)

51-53 CAD    54 -56 BAD     57- 60 CCBD

第II卷 非选择题(共5大题;满分60分)


1. range     2. anxiety    3.awkward     4. overcame       5. forgive

6. original   7. security    8. sincerely    9. acquaintance    10.flooding


1. being admitted 2.absorbed    3. making         4. having worked   5.stay

6. replacing     7. to clone    8. being persuaded  9. changed        10. focused


1. take; consideration/account   2. without; permission   3. what; was

4. couldn’t; better             5.Not knowing      6.to blame

7. is beneficial         8. regardless of       9. end up       10. running out


1. effect/impact/influence   2. Tips/Suggestions/Advice

3. associated/connected/linked   4. chances       5. close     6. whatever

7. including/like     8. similar      9. Avoid    10. change


Recently, whether the young should give their seats to the old on buses is being discussed on the internet. We classmates had a class meeting to discuss the topic. Different students have different opinions on this matter.

Some students are in favor of giving seats to the old. They think that respecting the old is always Chinese traditional virtue. Besides, we will be old one day and we also need others’ help. What’s more, giving seats to the old people is also a civilized behavior.

However, other students think differently. They say that the young people aren’t supermen. They will also get sick and feel tired after a long day’s hard work. They also need seats to rest on. As a result, the old people should try not to take buses during the rush hours. Furthermore, some old people take it for granted that it’s the young’s duty to give seats to them, which makes them unpleasant.

As far as I am concerned, no matter you are the old or the young, you ought to put yourself into others’ shoes and care about others’ feelings. As an old saying goes, “One for all, all for one.”  Only in this way can we have a harmonious society in common.


Text 1

M: How terrible the heat we are having now is!

W: Generally speaking, ①July is the hottest month of the year in Hangzhou. I don’t think the heat will be relieved before August.

Text 2

M: Are you going to join us for lunch, or are you going to eat at your desk again?

W: ②I’m afraid I have to stay at my desk. I am up to my neck in work.

Text 3

M: I want to exercise, but never seem to find time.

W: Why not do it first in the morning?

M: ③But I often get up at seven, have a quick breakfast, and then have to ru sh to the office by car.

Text 4

M: What would it be like working with those young stars?

W: It was a great group. ④I always got mad when people said that we didn’t get along well, just because we were girls. There was never a fight. We had a great time.

Text 5

W: Look. ⑤ Here’s a job  that might interest you.

M: What is it? Are you sure? The last job interview you sent me off to was a disaster.

W: Well, look. It says they want a sales manager. It’s a big international company. That would be good.

Text 6

W: When I got home last night I found a letter from the school I used to study in.⑥ The students there want me to go back and talk to them.

M: Oh, really? And are you going?

W: I don’t know. I used to hate school, so I don’t feel like going back.

M: But it’s different now.

W: Yes, I know. But it’s still a difficult situation. You see, when I was at school I used to be bad at studies and none of the teachers liked me.

M: Well, I think you should go. ⑦When I was younger, I used to dream about meeting a famous pop star. ⑧You can’t let them down.

W: Maybe you are right. OK. I’ll go.

Text 7

M: Mrs. Williams, I’d be grateful if you could just tell me a bit about yourself. Have you been swimming long?

W: No, not long at all. ⑨I started originally to get fit again after my youngest child was born. And I didn’t take it seriously at first; I only started practicing properly when I realized how much I was enjoying it.

M: So when did you start taking it seriously?

W: ⑩I suppose I started taking it seriously about three years ago. I joined the swimming club then, which really made me work at it.

M: And now, how often do you practice?

W: Every day. But I can’t go at a regular time, as I have to make arrangements for the children to

be looked after.

M: And what does your husband think about it?

W: Oh, ⑪he thinks it’s wonderful, and he’s proud of me for getting onto the national team and winning prizes.

M: And how many prizes have you won?

W: Two so far. One was an individual medal and the other was a team cup.

M: Well, Thank you very much, Mrs. Williams.

Text 8

W: Hi, Tommy, got a minute?

M: Sure, come in. What’s on your mind?

W: Oh, ⑫it’s the plan for the students about the use of computers.

M: What’s the trouble?

W: The students are supposed to use the computers for only one hour a day because so many students need to use them every day.

M: I can see that.

W: Well, ⑬now it seems that some of the students aren’t willing to give up their machines when the hour is over.

M: I suppose they feel that it doesn’t matter very much to keep them a few minutes more.

W: Yes, but this makes it hard for those who are waiting to use the machines.

M: You are right. ⑭Let’s prepare a notice right now. Then we can pass it out tomorrow to clear up the problem.

Text 9

W: ⑮Do you need some help?

M: ⑮I guess so. I’m just checking these college rankings. I want to find out which schools are the most popular.

W: Well, Southeastern has the most students, if that’s what you mean.

M: I don’t know. I want to know which school is the most fun. ⑯Where do they have the best parties?

W: Hmm. . . I’m not sure I can help you there.

M: No? What about Granton College? This magazine says it’s the “good time” school. Everybody who goes there has a lot of fun.

W: I’ve heard that it’s popular with students.

M: What was the other school you mentioned?

W: Southeastern?

M: Yeah, what’s it like?

W: Well, it’s a very old, well-established school. Students who are looking for a party should probably look somewhere else.

M: Oh, really? Why’s that? Is it hard to get into?

W: Yes. ⑰The admission requirements are tough, a lot tougher than Granton.

M: And you said it’s really old?

W: It is an old school, established in 1854.

M: Wow! It must have some great party traditions.

Text 10

W: Hi, Mr. Adams?

M: Ah, yes. You must be Kelly. Thanks for coming.

W: Here is my card.

M: Oh, ⑱it is hard to find a good babysitter on a Friday night.

W: ⑱Well, I like watching kids, and I need the extra money.

M: Well, I heard you were one of the best babysitters in the area, and. . .

W: Uh, well, I’d like to talk to you about my new rate increases.

M: Rate increases?

W: You see, Mr. Adams. ⑲I’ve consulted with my financial advisor.

M: What?

W: ⑲Uh, my mother, and she says I should charge more per child since I do cook and clean your house while you’re away.

M: Oh, I see. So, what do you have in mind?

W: Well, as I see it, ⑳I’d like to ask a dollar more per child per hour, and overtime after midnight. Based on my calculations, that’s only 10. 23% above the going market, and I’m now a certified babysitter with training.

M: Oh, I never knew there were courses and certifications in babysitting.

W: Times are changing, Mr. Adams. ⑳I have to figure in expenses for a benefit package to cover college tuition, retirement, and so on. Well, I will tell my mother what to do.






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