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Speed reading is a technique by which an individual can not only read fast but also retain (保留) the information given in the reading material. The primary reason for a low reading speed is that we can’t judge what to read and what part to skip (跳过). Here are some speed reading tips that will help improve your reading speed.

First you need to skim through (浏览) the material you’re going to read. If you’re reading a textbook, then it’s a good idea to read the summary, introduction or preface before reading the main text. Reading the summary will give you a guide about what you need to learn from the text. Your eyes can take in several words at a time and this is known as eye span. To increase your reading speed, try reading blocks (块) of words in a sentence. You can also skip over words such as: the, a, it, to, etc., as even if you skip over them, you’ll still understand the main idea of the sentence you’re reading.

The most common mistake made by poor readers is often pausing in the middle of their reading to go back and dwell on some previous sentences. One way to avoid this is to use a piece of paper to place it over the text you’re reading, covering each line once you’ve finished reading it.

Some people move their lips while reading while others like to “read in their head”. Both the methods contribute to a low reading speed. The best way to break this habit is to be conscious while reading and if you catch yourself moving your lips, just place a finger on your mouth.

_________________ If you’re reading in a crowded room, you can try to block out (阻挡) all sounds by using earplugs. To retain what you’ve read, you need to concentrate and focus on your reading material.

68. The purpose of the text is to       .

A. show reasons for improving reading speed

B. prove the importance of fast reading

C. call on readers to read more and faster

D. help increase reading speed

69. According to the second paragraph, you        while reading.

A. should avoid reading word by word

B. should try to move your eyes fast

C. must focus on the key sentences

D. must write the summary at first

70. What’s the purpose of placing a piece of paper over the text you’re reading?

A. To read the text more closely.  B. To avoid re-reading.

C. To recite the text. D. To prevent you from being disturbed.

71. To fill in the blank in the text, which of the following is most suitable?

A. Concentration is not necessary in some cases.

B. Avoiding distractions is also a good idea.

C. Try to practice reading in a large room.

D. You should focus on your reading skills.


The average young American now spends practically every waking minute — except for the time in school — using a smart phone, computer, television or other electronic device, according to a new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation.

Those aged 8 to 18 spend more than seven and a half hours a day with such devices, compared with less than six and a half hours five years ago, when the study was last conducted. And that does not count the hour and a half that youths spend texting, or the half-hour they talk on their cellphones.

And because so many of them are multitasking — say, surfing the Internet while listening to music — they pack on average nearly 11 hours of media content into that seven and a half hours.

“I feel like my days would be boring without it,” said Francisco Sepulveda, a 14-year-old Bronx eighth grader who uses his smart phone to surf the Web, watch videos, listen to music — and send or receive about 500 texts a day.

The study’s findings shocked its authors. It found, moreover, that heavy media use is associated with several negatives, including behavior problems and lower grades.

While most of the young people in the study got good grades, 47 percent of the heaviest media users had mostly C’s or lower. The heaviest media users were also more likely than the lightest users to report that they were bored or sad, or that they got into trouble, did not get along well with their parents and were not happy at school.

The study also found that young people used less media in homes with rules like no television during meals or in the bedroom, or with limits on media time.

Victoria Rideout, a Kaiser vice president who is lead author of the study, said that although it has become harder for parents to control what their children do, they can still have an effect.

“I don’t think parents should feel totally incapable,” she said. “They can still make rules, and it still makes a difference.”

72. What’s the main idea of the text?

A. Media use of young Americans            B. The negatives of heavy media use

C. The increasing popularity of media         D. The comparison between two studies

73. Which of the following is NOT the finding of the new study?

A. American teens spend lots of time on media.

B. young people in some families use less media.

C. heavy media use contributes to negative effects.

D. Those aged 8 to 18 spent less than 6.5 hours five years ago.

74. The teens with heavy media use       .

A. study harder than ever to get good grades

B. will become sadder as days go by

C. will get bored of everything

D. may have some problems

75. The teens with heavy media use are likely to       .

A. get bored of everything

B. become cleverer as days go by

C. behave negatively and get into trouble

D. study harder than ever to get good grades

第四部分  写作 (共两节, 满分35分)

第一节 任务型读写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


Today, you can see people having different kinds of hobbies. However, if you really want a valuable collection, and a collection that will be worth a lot in the near future as well as a hobby that will truly make you feel very satisfied, then you might want to start a coin collection hobby.

Coin collection is a hobby that has existed for centuries. Here, you’ll not only get a piece of history from different countries, but you’ll also have a chance to invest (投资) in a really valuable hobby.

A coin collection can be a very valuable investment. Then what determines the value of a coin? Let’s try imagining getting a rare coin that dates back to the Ming Dynasty in ancient China. You can imagine how much it’s worth nowadays. Even if the coin was worth 5 cents during the time it was first used, you have to consider this coin will surely appreciate in value because of its historic significance, its rarity and its age.

There are many ways to start your coin collection. First, you have to decide what kind of coins you want to collect. If you want to collect World War II coins, then you can do so.

If you’re just starting out, you may want to try collecting different kinds of coins from different countries. Ask your friends who have traveled abroad before to hand you some coins they have got from the countries they traveled. Once you’re familiar with it, then you can choose rarer coins that can be worth a lot of money.

From the very start, you should already list all the coins you put inside the jar and keep track of your collections in an organized manner. And don’t forget to indicate the year when the coin was issued.

With a coin collection, you’ll be able to have something to do in your spare time and invest in something that will be worth a lot in the future.

Title Coin collection

Theme It’s a (76)        and valuable hobby to collect coins.

(77)        Being worth a lot in the near future.

Providing you with great (78)        .

Enabling you to know the (79)         of different countries.

Giving you a chance to invest.

The factors


a coin’s value Its historic significance.

Its rarity and age.


to start of a coin collection Decide on the (82)         of coins you want to collect.

Begin with collecting different coins from different countries.

Choose rarer coins.

Keep a (83)         of your collections in an organized manner.

(84)         to indicate the year of issue.

Summary A coin collection will make you (85)         your spare time meaningfully and invest in something worth a lot in the future.

第二节  书面表达(满分25分)

如今,随着人们生活节奏的加快和生活压力的增大,对于每个人来说,保持一个好心情显得尤为重要。要有好心情,就要学会认识自我,爱惜自我,发展自我。请你根据以下内容以How to keep a good mood为题写一则英语短文。

内容:1. 要学会自信;2. 要学会调整自己的情感;3. 要学会容忍。

注意:1. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

2. 词数:120左右。






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