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A. permanent         B. temporary        C. contemporary      D. consequent

25. There is a shortage of teachers in Western China, and it will fall on the 80s and 90s generations to           this responsibility.

A. take on        B. step up         C. make up        D. apply for

26. Will you take my previous experience into              when you fix my salary?

A. mind            B. though          C. reference        D. account

27. _____ her leg the last time, Brenda decided not to go on the school skiing trip this year.

A. Breaking       B. Broken   C. To break      D. Having broken

28.          the occasional visit, what else does Alan do for his kids?

A.Except         B.In spite of         C.Apart from     D.Beside

29. They hope to turn our society into one ______ those in need can get help.

A. where         B. which              C. when             D. who

30.With their reputation _______ , food companies need to_______ their image.

A. ruining; promote  B. to ruin; improve   C. ruined; polish up D. to be ruined; change

31.Many people would rather _____ eating out on holiday than give up their broadband, mobile phone and pay-TV services, according to a recent survey.

A. cut off           B. cut in           C. cut back on          D. cut up

32. ----What made her so mad?

----__________ in front of her class.

A. Laughing     B. Laughing at      C. Being laughed    D. Being laughed at

33. ______ the Titanic had enough lift rafts, Rose and Jack would have lived happily ever after.

A. If      B. Had      C. Suppose      D. Given

34. ________ a question till today why dinosaurs died out.

A. It leaves       B. There leaves     C. It leaves     D. It remains

35. —This coat doesn’t ______ me .Do you have a larger size?

—yes ,but the color is different .Does it _____ you?

A. suit ;suit          B. suit; fit         C. fit ;fit             D. fit ; suit



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