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25. In the past several weeks, people around the world       the joy of the Worldcup Brazil.

A. had enjoyed B. have been enjoying C. were enjoying  D. enjoyed

26. You'd better write down her phone number before you _____ it.

A. forget    B. are forgetting       C. forgot             D. will forget

27. ----Why are you wandering in the yard, Tom?

----I ____ his keys in the classroom so I have to wait until my mother ____ home.

A. have left; comes  B. left; had come  C. had left; came      D. had left; would come

28. ----What’s the matter with Della?

---- Well, her parents wouldn’t allow her to go to the party, but she still ____.

A. hopes so B. hopes to  C. hopes not          D. hopes for

29. We must be fully aware of the present complicated international situation _____ we are facing.

A. in which  B. where    C. which             D.with which

30. — Tom knocked into the banisters(栏杆)last night while driving, but he is all right.

— He is lucky. He        himself badly.

A. might injure B. could have injured  C. should have injured      D. should injure

31. There are still many problems ______ before we are ready for the journey to Tibet.

A. solving  B. solved     C. being solved   D. to be solved

32. The best moment for the football star was ______ he scored the winning goal.

A. where   B. when     C. how     D. why

33. The new reading strategy _____ in the article can make learning easier.

A. introduced  B. has introduced   C. was introduced      D. is being introduced

34.    no modern telecommunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world.

A. Were there     B. Had there been         C .If there are    D. If there have been

35. Welcome to our program ! Joining us in the studio _____ six of the film festival representatives.

A. is    B. are     C. was     D. were



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