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A. that         B. instantly       C. unless     D. in case

25. Just as the coach always ________ it, we need teamwork if we want to continue our success in the games.

A. puts             B. means            C. says             D. makes

26. The passenger,sitting in his chair and completely______ in his ipad,looked as if nobody

was around.

A. absorbing    B. being absorbed      C. absorbed     D. to absorb

27. John’s development of social skills and intellectual skills _________ greatly to his success in

public life.

A. owed           B. attached           C. related          D. contributed

28. He demanded that the report __________ immediately after the research into the Australian Aborigines

was done.

A. was written        B. be written            C. must be written         D. would be written

29. It is quite warm _________January in Chongqing.

A. to          B. with            C. in                 D. for

30. They have decided to _________ their old house, because the second-hand house prices are

decreasing sharply.

A. hold onto         B. pick out         C. turn down           D. set off

31. The endangered world’s cultural heritage must be saved, ________ the cost.

A. however      B. whichever      C. whatever            D. wherever

32. As he __________ the dull Movie, Michael _________ asleep.

A. watched; was falling                B. was watching; fell

C. was watching; was falling            D. watched; fell

33. It is not immediately clear _________ the influence of the disaster will soon be over.

A. what             B. when         C. whether         D. that

34.  -- Do you have any idea what Joan did yesterday?

--I know she spent at least as much time dancing as she ___________.

A. read          B. did reading        C. spent to read        D. was reading

35. Was it in 2013, when he was still at a middle school, ________ this boy became an expert at

the computer?

A. which       B. when    C. where           D. that

36. The adventurers explored the lonely caves, the old villager _________ as a guide.

A. acting             B. acted             C. acts          D. to act

37. It is widely accepted that _______knowledge of English is a must in ______ international trade today.

A. a; 不填        B. the; a        C. the; the         D. 不填; the

38. There is a possibility ________ children’s early bad habits, if ignored, will affect their whole life.

A. when            B. if              C. that             D. how

39. It was already past midnight but a lot of crazy fans still _________ in the pub, waiting to watch the World Cup.

A. left            B. remained           C. delayed         D. deserted

40. -- Tom was caught late again this morning.

-- _______? As far as I know, he had promised to be on time.

A. So what         B. Why not         C. What for         D. How come



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