考试迫在眉睫,威廉希尔app 在第一时间为大家搜集了广灵县高二英语第二学期期末试卷,希望考生及时关注,以便调整复习计划。
21. When I got off the crowded bus, I found my pocket _____ and the disk in it with the important documents gone.
A. stolen B. missing C. lost D. picked
22. Film has a much shorter history, especially when ____ such art forms as music and painting.
A. comparing to B. compared to
C. having compared to D. compare to
23. Accustomed to _____ the steep mountains, she had no difficulty reaching top.
A. having been climbed B. climb C. climbing D. climbed
24. ____ in the queue for an hour, Lucy suddenly realized that she had left her purse at home.
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