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高二英语必修5 Unit 5 SectionIII达标测试题



9.—________ that he managed to get the information?

—Oh, a friend of his helped him.

A.Where was it   B.What was it

C.How was it   D.Why was it

解析:选A。考查强调句型的疑问形式。此题干是对强调句型中被强调的地点状语进行提问,因此用Where was it that...?句式。

10.The man was about to tell the policeman the secret ________ someone shot him death.

A.as   B.until

C.while   D.when

解析:选D。句意为:他正要告诉警察这个秘密,这时有人把他打死了。“be about to do sth. when...”意为“正要干某事,就在这时……”为固定句型。


On a warm Monday,Jenny Neilson bought a sandwich and parked her car under some trees.Rolling down the windows to __1__ in fresh air,she settled back to enjoy her lunch.Suddenly she __2__ a big bald(秃顶的)man running through the parking lot.Before she came to __3__ what would happen,the man was there,shouting through her window,“Get out!”

Neilson __4__.

Pulling open her door,the man seized her __5__ the neck and hair,and threw her out of the car onto the ground.She screamed,__6__ her purse and the keys.

Two reporters of the local newspaper,Robert Bruce and Jeff Jackson,just outside their office building on a __7__,heard the screams and began running.

When they __8__ Neilson’s car,the attacker had jumped into the driver’s seat and was __9__ searching for the keys.Bruce opened the door,and he and Jackson dragged the man out.The attacker __10__ back.But even in his cornered panic,he was no __11__ for the two athletic men.

Reggie Miller,a worker of the local newspaper,heard the screams,too.He rushed back to the office to __12__ the police,and then ran back with some plastic ropes-used to tie up newspapers.

With his arms __13__ tightly behind him,the prisoner looked up and said __14__,“I hope you guys feel good about yourselves-you just caught one of the most wanted men.”They __15__ him and waited for the police.

Later,Bruce and Jackson were shocked to learn the man was the __16__ carjacker(劫车者)and suspected murderer,whose __17__-but with a full head of hair-had been recently printed in their own newspaper.

Neilson considers herself lucky __18__ she suffered injuries.She believes the story might have had a __19__ ending if those good people had not come to her aid.“Unfortunately,”she says,“many people would __20__ have done what they did,and that is the real truth.”

【解题导语】 本文讲述了一个男人企图抢劫Neilson(内尔森)的汽车。听到她的尖叫后一些人跑来制服了罪犯。

1.A.bring          B.let

C.gather   D.send

解析:选B。由Rolling down the windows可知让新鲜的空气进来。let in让……进来。

2.A.recognized   B.watched

C.noticed   D.met

解析:选C。由suddenly和a big bald man running可知“她注意到……”。notice注意到;recognize认出,识别出;watch仔细观察;meet遇到。

3.A.realize   B.understand

C.imagine   D.conclude

解析:选A。由句意可知她还没有意识到会发生什么事时,那个男人已经到了车前。come to realize开始意识到。come to understand开始明白。

4.A.escaped   B.struggled

C.refused   D.obeyed

解析:选C。由下文“Pulling open her door,the man seized her...the neck and hair,and threw her out...”可知她拒绝按照那个男人的要求出来。escape逃跑,struggle挣扎,refuse拒绝,obey遵从。

5.A.by   B.around

C.with   D.on

解析:选A。seize sb.by the+身体部位 抓住某人的身体(的某)部位。

6.A.burying   B.forgetting

C.offering   D.grabbing

解析:选D。由下文searching for the keys可知她紧抓着她的钱包和钥匙。bury埋;forget忘记;offer提供;grab紧抓。

7.A.trip   B.visit

C.break   D.holiday

解析:选C。由outside their office building 可知他们二人是在工作间的休息时在办公楼外面,break“工作间的休息”。

8.A.started   B.stopped

C.entered   D.reached


9.A.carefully   B.madly

C.disappointedly   D.patiently

解析:选B。由下文的in his cornered panic可知。madly疯狂地。

10.A.fought   B.turned

C.jumped   D.shouted

解析:选A。由“...dragged the man out”和“...he was no match...”可知劫车犯反击。fight back反击。

11.A.match   B.target

C.equal   D.companion

解析:选A。由“the two athletic men”可知他不是两人的对手。match匹敌的人,对手。

12.A.remind   B.phone

C.invite   D.beg

解析:选B。由“He rushed back to the office”和“the police”可知他打电话给警察。

13.A.rolled   B.folded

C.bent   D.tied

解析:选D。由上文的some plastic ropes可知人们把劫车犯的手绑在背后。tie捆,绑。

14.A.angrily   B.kindly

C.coldly   D.warmly


15.A.caught   B.thanked

C.comforted   D.ignored

解析:选D。由下文的“waited for the police”可知他们并不理睬劫车犯。ignore不理睬,不理会。

16.A.ordinary   B.professional

C.honest   D.outstanding


17.A.picture   B.background

C.character   D.story

解析:选A。由下文的“-but with a full head of hair-had been recently printed in their own newspaper.”可知所填的空应是劫车犯的照片。

18.A.and   B.but

C.though   D.when

解析:选C。由lucky和suffered injuries可知应填入表示转折的从属连词。though尽管,虽然。

19.A.ridiculous   B.similar

C.strange   D.different


20.A.sometimes   B.never

C.often   D.forever



A nosebleed can be frightening to get or see,but try to stay calm.Most nosebleeds look much worse than they really are.Almost all nosebleeds can be treated at home.

If you get a nosebleed,sit down and lean slightly forward.Keeping your head above your heart will make your nose bleed less.Lean forwards so that the blood will flow out of your nose instead of down the back of your throat.If you lean back,you may swallow the blood.This can make you uncomfortable.

Use your thumb and index fingers to press together the soft part of your nose.Keep holding your nose until the bleeding stops.Don’t let go for at least 5 minutes.If it’s still bleeding after that,hold it again for 10 minutes straight.You can also place an ice pack across the toe of your nose.Once the bleeding stops,don’t do anything that may make it start again,such as bending over or blowing your nose.

The most common causes of nosebleeds are dryness(often caused by indoor heat in the winter)and nose picking.These two things work together-nose picking occurs more often when the liquid in the nose is dry.Other,less common causes include injuries,colds or cocaine use.Children may stick small objects up their nose.Old people may have infections or high blood pressure.The cause of nosebleeds is often unknown.

Most nosebleeds aren’t serious.They occur in the front part of the nose and stop in a few minutes.

A few nosebleeds start in large vessels(血管)in the back of the nose,which can be dangerous.They may occur after an injury.This type of nosebleed is more common in the elderly

and is often due to high blood pressure,daily aspirin use or bleeding disorders.

1.According to the text,nosebleeds ________.

A.are not frightening to get or see

B.are usually not serious and can be cured with the right method at home

C.must be treated by doctors in the hospital

D.aren’t dangerous at all


2.Which of the following is NOT the right way to treat nosebleeds?

A.Cool your nose with ice or other cold things.

B.Press your nose slightly with your fingers.

C.Lean backwards to slow down the flow of flood.

D.Lean your head forwards,just above your chest.

解析:选C。细节理解题。由第二段第一句可知,正确的方法是lean forwards,而不是lean backwards。

3.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 4?

A.Nosebleeds are caused by some diseases.

B.Nosebleeds are caused by the dry weather.

C.Your nose may be infected.

D.The causes of nosebleed.


4.When does nose picking often cause nosebleeds?

A.When your nose feels dry.

B.When you have a cold.

C.When you have a headache.

D.When the liquid in your nose is wet.


5.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.It may be more dangerous if the back part of your nosebleeds.

B.Nosebleeds can cause the disease related to blood pressure in older people.

C.Nosebleeds occur to kids because of infections.

D.Many nosebleeds are not as serious as they look.


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