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语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Several days ago, a   16  (shock) news broke out. A Malaysian airplane (MH370) with 239 passengers just disappeared after its departure from the airport. Almost two hours later, the plane just vanished into air,as if it never existed before.

Rumors about its   17  (disappear) have spread fast around the world. Some people said that the plane was kidnapped by the space aliens,the so called UFO.  18  has never been proved or confirmed true. Some people claim   19  the aircraft exploded in the midair before landing. This might be true to some extent,but we still need more confirmative proof.

The people   20   care most about the passengers are the family members of the passengers. They  21 _(wait) anxiously and even getting desperate after waiting   22  (hope) for almost four days.   23   tortures them most is not the sad news of their beloved ones' death,   24  the newsless. They could get no news from anywhere or anybody about the wreckage失事.This has been driving them into craziness day by day.

We hope these people  25   board will soon be found well and safe, and with their family members they could get together and reunited.



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