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20. The medicine he had taken _____ the blood.

A. has bad effect on       B. had a bad effect on

C. has a bad effect on      D. had bad effect on

21. It was not until the professor came back _____ I left the office.

A. when    B. where    C. that      D. where

22. The old man has such a nice clock _______ I saw in the shop yesterday.

A. that      B. which    C. as      D. when

23. – Is your father _____ ?

-- Yes. Thank you.

A. any better    B. very better     C. some better    D. fairly better

24. -- _____ is fthe distance from this city to your school?

-- 20 kilometers.

A. How     B. What    C. How much    D. How far

25. Do you thinkthere’ll be a time _____ we can become very rich?

A. that      B. when    C. while     D. as

26. The little boy doesn’t only believe in it,_______?

A. does he    B. doesn’t he      C. is he     D. isn’t he

27. The film reminded him ______ what he had seen in China.

A. for      B. of      C. with      D. in

28. _______ make a living, the brothers had to work for a rich man.

A. So as to   B. To    C. in order that    D. So that

29. It is cleat that he _______ the foundation of modern art.

A. has lain    B. is lying    C. has lied    D. has laid

30. The man didn’t stop working until his dream______.

A. realized     B. realizing     C. came true    D. was come true

31. Everyone is not allowed _____ in the meeting room.

A. smoke    B. to smoke    C. smoking     D. to smoking

32. First I thought he was a teacher. But finally I knew he ______ to be a policeman.

A. turned out   B. turned in    C. turned up    D. turned down

33. – Who’s the girl _______in red?

-- She is my sister.

A. dressed     B. dressing    C. wearing     D. putting on

34. Now I am a lawyer. It is three years since I ________ a teacher.

A. became     B. was      C. turned     D. am

35. When we came into the room, we found that there _______ furniture in it.

A. was many    B. were many    C. were much     D. was much

36. The children walked along the road, ______.

A. laughing and singing   B. laughed and sang

C. to laugh and sing      D. to laugh and to sing

37. Don’t listen to him. He often _____ a promise and afterwards ______ it.

A. makes; breaks   B. breaks; makes   C. keep; breaks    D. carry out; makes

38. In my opinion our work will _____ after our hard work.

A. be come easy   B. come easy    C. is come easy   D. come easily

39. – How long are you staying?

-- I don’t know _______.

A. That’sOK  B. Never mind    C. It depends     D. It doesn’t matter

40. The fans ______ patiently for two hours, and they would wait till the movie star arrived.

A. were waiting    B. had been waiting   C. had waited    D. would wait


1-5.ACCAC    6-10.CADCD      11-15.BCDCB     16-20.ACBCB

21-25.CCABB  26-30.ABBDC     31-35.BAABD     36-40.AABCB





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