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20.________ a reply, we decided not to wait any longer.

A. Not receiving              B. Receiving not

C. Not having received        D. Having not received

21. We expressed our satisfaction with the talk, _______ that we would visit the city again.

A. having added             B. adding

C. to add                   D. added

22. When I got back home I saw a message

pinned to the door, _________ "Call 68837822".

A. reading       B. reads

C. to read       D, read

23. _________ from the space, the Great Wall lies in the mountains tike a huge dragon.

A. Seeing       B. Seen       C. To see      D. Having seen

24. I should say sorry to him. I regret to help him that day.

A. refusing      B. to refuse       C. refused       D. refuse

25. When _______, ice changes into water.

A. to heat       B. heating     C. heated    D. they are heated

26. He dived iht0 the water, ________ only his face

A. leaving; exposed             B. leaving; exposing

C. left; exposed                 D. left; exposing

27. ________ many times, but he still couldn' t understand it.

A. Though he had been       B. Having been told

C. Having told               D. He had been told

28. _______ his address, I couldn't go to see

him yesterday.

A. Not known                B. Known not

C. Knowing not              D. Not knowing

29. Reading this instructive book, ___________ .

A. tears came to his eyes         B. his eyes were filled with tears

C. he burst into tears             D. his eyes were full of tears

30. ________ , we had to go home.

A. There was no bus             B. We couldn' t find a bus

C. There being no bus            D. There no bus

31. _______ to the party, Mary was greatly hurt. Xkb1.com

A. Having not been invited         B. Not having been invited

C. Having not invited              D. Not having invited

32. _______ to the sun, rain and wind for a long time, the stone split.

A. Expose      B. Exposed     C. Exposing      D. To expose

Keys: 1---5 DDBCA         6---10 AACBA

11---15 BABAD       16---20 DBADC

21---25 BABAC       26---30ADDCC

31---32 BB






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