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1. It was this village ___ I was brought up.

A. where              B. that      C. on which          D. which

2. It was in this village ___ I was bought up.

A. where               B. that             C. on which         D. which

3. Can it be in the drawer ___ you put your passport?

A. where             B. in which            C. there              D. that

4. It was July 1, 1997 ___ saw the return of Hong Kong to the motherland.

A. that               B. when               C. which           D. in which

5. It is two years __ I joined the army.

A. before               B. since        C. that               D. after

6. It was two years ___ I joined the army.

A. before              B. since     C. that           D. after

7. --- Was it under the tree ___ you were away talking to a friend?

--- Sure. But when I got back there, the bike was gone.

A. that  B. where  C. which  D. while

8. --- Why don’t we take a little break ?

--- Didn’t we just have ____ ?

A. it       B. that      C. one     this

9. It was not until 1920 ____ regular radio broadcast began.

A. while            B. which                C. that        D. since

10. ___ is the fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

A. There           B. This              C. That            D. It

11. It was about 600 years ago ___ first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.

A. that  B. until  C. before  D. when

12. I hate ____ when people talk with their mouths full.

A. it      B. that   C. these     D. them

13. It was only when I reread his poems recently ____ I began to appreciate their beauty.

A. until    B. that    C. then   D. so

14. It is the ability to do the job ____ matters not where you come from or what you are.

A. one     B. that    C. what     D. it

15. The Parkers bought a few house but __ will need a lot of work before they can move in.

A. they     B. it       C. one     D. which

16. ____ no need for us to discuss the problem again since it has already been settled.

A. It has              B. There has

C. It is                 D. There is

17. Was it in 1969 __ the American astronaut succeeded ___landing on the moon.

A. when; on           B. that; on

C. when; in            D. that; in

18. Was ___ that I saw last night at the concert?

A. it you                 B. not you

C. you                    D. that yourself

19. ____ was in 1979 ___ I graduated from the university.

A. That; that          B. It; that

C. That; when        D. It; when

20. What a pity my new computer doesn’t work! ____ must be something wrong with it.

A. It    B. There   C. This   D. That

21. I like ____ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.

A. this     B. that    C. it      D. one

22. Someone is knocking at the door, but who can ___ be?

A. one     B. he       C. she   D. it

23. A knock on the door made him look up. But ___ was only the manager.

A. this      B. that      C. she     D. it

24. Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see ____ .

A. who is he       B. who he is

C. who is it         D. who it is

25. Is ___ necessary to complete the design before National Day?

A. this     B. that    C. it     D. he

26. Does ___ matter if he can’t finish the job on time?

A. this     B. that    C. he    D. it

27. It worried her a bit ___ her hair was turning grey.

A. while     B. that    C. if    D. for

28. They have made __ a rule __in the room.

A. this; not to smoke B. it; smoking

C. it; to not smoke     D. it; not to smoke


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