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28. It’s high time they____________ this road.

A. mend  B. mended  C. must have mended  D. will mend

29. It’s about time people______ notice of what women did during the war.

A. take  B. took  C. have taken  D. will take

30. He’s working hard for fear that he_____________ . Xkb1.com

A. should fall behind  B. fell behind   C. may fall behind   D. would fall behind

31. I must go there earlier. John has suggested that I _____an hour before the discussion begins.

A. go      B. shall go       C. will go        D. would go

32. For a child to give up his less mature idea for a more mature one, it requires that the child _____ psychologically ready for the new idea.

A. is  B. were  C. be  D. would be

33. Your advice that_____________ till next week is reasonable.

A. she waits  B. she wait  C. wait she  D. she waited

34. It was essential that we lease before the end of the month.

A. sing  B. singed  C. had signed  D. were signing

35. I advised that the sick child ________ a hospital as soon as possible.

A. should send to      B. should be sent  C. be went to    D. must be sent to

36. The workers in the factory demanded that their pay ________ be 20 percent.

A. be raised     B. would be raised  C. raised       D. raise

37. The guard at the gate insisted that everybody ________ the rules.

A. obeys      B. obey      C. will obey      D. would obey

38. My suggestion is that she ________ more exercise, which will do a lot of

good to her.

A. takes     B. must take       C. take       D. took

39. If only I ________ driving before. www.5ykj.com

A. learn       B. learned     C. had learned      D. would learn

40. ________ she ________ yesterday, she would meet the famous singer today.

A. If, didn’t leave  B. Had not, left C. Hadn’t, left D. Didn’t, leave





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