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This year, we were again unable to be with our families for Christmas. The   56   and work schedules just made things too difficult.   57   that sense of Christmas isolation (孤立) all too well, we decided to try to round up some other folks who were   58   in the holidays.

Lonely people are all around us, but most of us   59   notice them. Just take a look around you. Sometimes, the smallest   60   gesture can make a world of difference.

41. A. chance    B. anxiety   C. time     D. ability

42. A. lonely     B. free   C. merry    D. usual

43. A. Therefore    B. However  C. Somehow   D. Meanwhile

44. A. sign     B. knock   C. card       D. note

45. A. invite     B. welcome  C. drive    D. send

46. A. tree      B. flower    C. mail       D. package

47. A. forgot     B. missed      C. arranged   D. received

48. A. warm     B. deep      C. true     D. mixed

49. A. rubbish      B. snow        C. dust       D. leaves

50. A. teach       B. urge    C. help      D. forbid

51. A. prepare    B. share    C. taste      D. exchange

52. A. guest       B. aunt      C. maid    D. partner

53. A. folks        B. relatives      C. neighbors      D. colleagues

54. A. call      B. greeting    C. meeting     D. breakfast

55. A. sorry      B. eager     C. grateful    D. ready

56. A. season    B. expense    C. distance     D. situation

57. A. Knowing    B. Showing    C. Studying     D. Discovering

58. A. happy      B. busy        C. alone      D. active

59. A. always       B. usually      C. finally      D. seldom

60. A. careful       B. kind      C. pretty      D. patient



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