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A. Go to the party.     B. Hold a birthday party.  C. Meet her classmate.

Conversation 3

5. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In a bookstore.   B. In the supermarket.   C. In a library.

6. What does the man want to buy for his daughter?

A. A composition book.   B. A set of storybooks. C. A magazine.

Conversation 4

7. What has gone bad?

A. The sausage.         B. The fruit salad.      C. The pork.

8. What did the man complain about?

A. He doesn’t like cooking.

B. He doesn’t want to do the washing-up.

C. Eating out is expensive.

9. What is the woman going to eat?

A. Seafood.    B. Dumpling    C. Noodle.

Conversation 5

10. Which country are the speakers in?

A. Germany.  B. Britain.     C. America.

11. How does the woman send the money?

A. By mail.  B.  By telegraphic transfer.  C. By swift transfer.

12. How much service charge will the woman pay?

A. $0.2.       B. $0.8.       C. $1.6.

Conversation 6

13. Why did the boss get angry at the man?

A. He didn’t finish the assignment.

B. He made a few more copies.

C. He was rude to the boss.

14. Why did the man leave the company?

A. The boss was unreasonable and got angry easily .

B. He had no chance to be promoted.

C. He didn’t like his job.

15. What does the woman advise the man to do?

A. Go on studying.  B. Go traveling.       C. Find a job immediately.


Directions: In this section, you’ll hear a mini-talk. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you’ve got. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THEAN 3 WORDS.

You’ll hear the mini-talk TWICE.

Place Activity Date Time Price

New York The national ambassador for Young People’s Literature will start the week in New York City’s Bryant Park.



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