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59.What could be the best title for the passage?

A.Where and How Early Immigrants to the US Lived

B.African Instruments Influenced American Country Music

C.Why Early Immigrants Produced Folk Songs

D.The Early History of American Country Music


Rio (often promoted as Rio: The Movie) is a 2011 American 3D computer-animated musical comedy film and Blue Sky Studios’ sixth feature film(故事片). The title refers to the Brazilian city of  Rio de Janeiro, in which the film is set. The film was released in the United States on April 15, 2011, which was directed by Carlos Saldanha.

In a jungle near Rio de Janeiro, a baby Spix parrot who is unable to fly and several other birds are captured by smugglers(走私者)and taken to Moose Lake, Minnesota. The box containing the parrot falls to the street and is found by a girl named Linda, who names him “Blu”. Fifteen years later, Linda lives in a bookstore with Blu. Túlio, a scientist, tells Linda that Blu is the last male of his species, and he needs to marry a female to preserve it.

Linda takes Blu to Brazil, where Blu meets a female parrot named Jewel whom he falls for, but she cares about escaping. The shelter is attacked by smugglers, who are let in by the lead smuggler’s Cockatoo(美冠鹦鹉), Nigel. Among them is Fernando, a poor, orphaned boy who helps the smugglers to earn money. Blu and Jewel are captured and Nigel explains that he used to be a performing bird on a television program, but was replaced by a parrot. Out of hatred(恨), Nigel assists smugglers in capturing foreign birds. After he leaves, Blu and Jewel escape from limit. As they flee, Nigel chases them through Rio, and Blu and Jewel get lost in the jungle.

They meet a family of toucans(犀鸟), whose father, Rafael, offers to take them to see his friend Luiz in removing the chain. Rafael attempts to teach Blu to fly, but Blu fails. Meanwhile, Nigel gets the aid of a group of thieving monkeys, to find Blu and Jewel. Linda and Tulio also try to find Blu…

60.How many feature films did Blue Sky Studios produce before Rio?

A. Four feature films.                                     B.Five feature films.

C.Six feature films.                                        D.Seven feature films.

61.Why can the Spix parrot meet Linda?

A.Because Linda buys the Spix parrot from the smugglers.

B.Because the smugglers presents the Spix parrot to Linda.

C.Because Linda rescues the Spix parrot with the scientist’s help.

D.Because Linda find the left box containing the Spix parrot.

62.The Spix parrot Blu is carried to Brazil in order to                .

A.have a good holiday with Linda

B.find his missing family

C.look for a female to produce young generation

D.find the smuggler who caught him

63.What can we think of Rafael according to the last paragraph?

A.Cruel.                    B.Promising.             C.Terrible.                 D.Friendly.


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