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Academy Awards  The Academy Awards are the most prominent film award in the United States.The Awards are granted by the Academy of Motin Picture Arts and Sciences.Academy Awards are nicknamed “Oscars”, which is also the nickname of the statuette(小雕像).The name is said to have been born when Margaret Herrick saw the statuette on a table and said: It looks just like my uncle Oscar!”

Berlin Film Festival  One of  the “A” festivals in Europe.The Berlin International Film Festival, also called the “Berlinale”, is held annually in February and started in 1951 after an initiative of the American, who occupied part of the city after World WarⅡ.The jury(专家评奖团)always placed  special emphasis on representing films from all over the world, from the former Eastern Bloc(集团)Countries as well as from western countries.The awards are called Golden and Silver Bears (as the Bear is the symbol of Berlin).

Venice Film Festival   The Venice Film Festival takes place every year in late August / early September on the Lido in the historic Palazzo del Cinema, in Venice, Italy; its main award is the “ Leone d’Oro” (Golden Lion).Recently, a new award has been added, the San Marco Award for the best film.

Cannes Film Festival   The Cannes Film Festival is a famous international film festival.It has been held annually in Cannes, in the south of France, since 1946 with a few exceptions.Given massive media exposure, the Festival is attended by many movie stars and is a popular venue for movie producers to launch their new films and attempt to sell their works to the distributors who come from all over the globe.

The most famous award given out at Cannes is the “Palme d’Or” (Golden Palm) for the best film; this is sometimes shared by multiple films in one year.

41.Which Award can be shared by multiple films in one year?

A.Golden Lion             B.Golden Palm

C.Academy Awards         D.San Marco Award

42.Which of the following statements about “Oscars” is not true?

A.It’s the nickname of Academy Awards

B.It’s also the nickname of the statuette.

C.It got its name because Margaret said the statuette looked like his uncle.

D.It’s an award in France.

43.Which Award has the shortest history?

A.Golden Lion        B.Golden Palm

C.Academy Awards    D.San Marco Award

44.Why is the Award for Berlin Film Festival called “Golden and Silver Bear”?

A.It looks like a bear

B.It is made up of bear fur

C.The bear is the symbo l of Berlin

D.Bear is rare in Berlin

45.Which of the following best states the main idea of the passage?

A.An introduction of famous film festivals and film awards

B.An advertisement for films and TV programmes.

C.Introduce the nicknames of famous film awards.

D.A guide of how to spend famous film festivals


British newspapers are among the oldest and most famous in the world. But recently big changes have seen these traditional publications try to fit the modern world. After 221 years, The Times has changed its size to become much smaller. In fact, the paper has cut its size in half from a broadsheet to tabloid (小报).

In Britain the newspaper market is divided between t he larger broadsheets and the smaller tabloids. These terms refer to the size of the papers’ pages but there is also a clear difference in content. Broadsheets such as The Times, the Guardian and Daily Telegraph are serious papers. They cover a broad range of political, economic and international issues. Their stories are also reasonably long and use quite formal language.

Tabloids have far more stories about less serious issues such as celebrities’ (名人) love lives. Their stories are shorter and use more simple language. Tabloids often have bigger pictures. Britain’s best-selling newspaper, the Sun, is a tabloid and has a naked girl on Page Three every day.

By changing to the size of a tabloid, The Times is following in the footsteps of a less famous broadsheet paper the Independent . It changed to tabloid last year and saw its sales increase greatly. Although both papers have switched to the smaller size the content of the papers has remained the same. They are both still serious papers.

The two papers claim that people find the smaller size easier to handle when they travel to work on the bus or the train in the morning. Instead of calling the new style of their paper tabloid, the paper says its new size is “compact” (紧凑型).


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