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64.The lawyer had smoked all the cigars                .

A.by design                                                   B.by mistake

C.by accident                                                D.by contract

65.The proper order of the lawyer’s activities is                .

a.having the company pay his claim                 b.having himself put in prison and fined

c.having smoked all the cigars                         d.bringing the company to the court

e.insuring the box of cigars

A.e,c,a,b,d                 B.a,c,e,d,b                C.e,c,d,a,b                 D.c,e,d,b,a

66.The underlined word “it” in the third paragraph refers to                .

A.the box of cigars                                        B.the insurance company

C.the policy                                                  D.the claim

67.Which of the following proverbs is best suitable for the lawyer?

A.Who spits against heaven, it falls in his face.

B.Even the wise make mistakes sometimes. w   W w  .x K  b 1.c o M

C.Accidents will happen.

D.An honest man doesn’t do anything underhand.


Forest schools are a type of outdoor education in which children (or adults) visit forests, learning personal, social and technical skills. It has been defined as “an inspirational process that offers children, young people and adults regular opportunities to achieve and develop confidence through hands-on learning in a woodland environment”.

Forest schools use the woods and forests as a means to build independence and self-esteem in school-age children. Topics are broad including the natural environment, for example the role of trees in society, the complex ecosystem supported by a wilderness, and recognition of specific plants and animals. However, the personal skills are considered highly valuable, such as teamwork and problem solving. The woodland environment may be used to learn about more abstract concepts such as mathematics and communication. Forest schools are also called nature schools.

Schedules within forest schools vary, but a typical approach is to take school children to woodland for once a week, with 6 week observation period at first. Often a baseline(基线)is produced for each child in terms of areas of their overall development, with particular emphasis on their social and emotional aspects of learning (SEAL). Once the baseline assessment has been produced the Forest Schools teachers will then continue with the long term programme over the course of the academic year in order to support the child in their development and learning. The teachers will provide opportunities for each child to develop in areas that have been identified as requiring interventions(介入)or support of any kind. The time and frequency of visits influences the degree of outcome most; more time spent in forest schools brings greater benefits. Visits should continue throughout the year, allowing children to experience all weathers and the changing seasons.

Forest schools are often “led by the child’s interests” by comparison to other outdoor education which “starts with a problem for the children to investigate”.

68.Who can benefit from Forest schools?

A.People who are not suitable for the p ublic school system.

B.People of different countries learn the same language.

C.People who are dismissed by the public schools.

D.People of all ages who hope to learn knowledge.

69.What personal skills are considered highly valuable in Forest schools?

A.The ability of inventing something of great valuable.

B.The power of making himself stronger in character.

C.The ability of joining teamwork and solving problems.

D.The skills of making friends with some strange people.

70.What is the common way to be used in Forest schools?

A.Letting children themselves make study plans.

B.Guiding students to carry out experiments in labs.

C.Teaching children to learn to observe in fixed time.

D.Introducing contents beyon d the requirements of textbooks.



My stepmother did work very far away. After about an hour of walking, my little brother got tired.      71      He started getting really heavy, that’s when I noticed that he had fallen asleep. I then looked down and saw that he had lost a shoe while sleeping. I knew we needed to find that shoe. My stepmother would not be able to afford new shoes for my brother. http://w ww.xkb 1.com

72      So I told him to stay where he was and I would run and find the shoe and comeback for him. A man overheard and stopped me right before I walked off. He asked me, “You are leaving your brother here to go find the shoe? What if he is not here when you return?”      73

He asked where we were headed and I told him my little brother wanted his mother. I remember him looking at me and smiling really big. He took both me and my brother and put us in a taxi and sent us to our destination.      74      When we got home, I received a spanking(打屁股). She said it was because I did not consider mine and my brother’s safety.

During my entire life I have got much kindness from strangers.      75      But he taught me a lesson that I cherish and value to this day-that people are more important than things.

A.I did not know how to answer that question.

B.I walked with him on my back for what seemed to be endless.

C.When my mother saw us, she was very surprised and glad.

D.Once we got there, my mother was not too happy to hear the story.

E.My only regret is that I do not remember what the gentleman’s face looked like.

F.Because my brother wanted to see his mother, I decided to carry him to the place.

G.But it would take too long to do it while carrying my brother.

第 二 卷


第四部分  写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)




修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。w    W w  .x K b 1.c o M



When I was six years old, I went to school and became a pupil. My first teacher is Mrs. Zheng. She was an old teacher. Her eyes were kind but bright. She treated us as her child and loved us heart and soul. One day in afternoon, we were having our handwriting lesson. I was so careful that I got the ink bottle broken and ink ran out of it. I was anxious and frightened. Tears came into my eyes. Just at that time, in comes my dear teacher-Mrs. Zheng, with a sweet smile on my kind face. “Don’t worry about it. You are a pupil now. You must face the difficulty on life brave.” Then she helped me clean the ground. This happened when I was in the Grade One. I will remember her words for ever.

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第二节  书面表达(满分25分)



Steve Jobs




美国 加州 旧金山市






Homestead High School










参考词汇:旧金山市 San Francisco;教父 godfather;企业家 entrepreneur


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