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It’s you and I who are  to blame for the state of the earth . No question about it . It’s our life-style that is threatening life on Earth , so we must make the changes . The good news is that many of those changes are really quite simple , even enjoyable , but for every careful step we take as individuals , we must press government and industry to take a big step on our benefit . And we must start now . Tomorrow’s too late .

My aim this year is to persuade as many of my friends and colleagues as possible to choose the train , and leave their cars behind too . My gardens have been pesticide(杀虫剂)–free zones for years and I enjoy seeing more wildlife on my doorstep as a result; I’ve tried to reduce my contribution to water pollution too, by using environment-friendly, phosphate(磷)–free washing powder , and by no longer think ing of the toilet as a. suitable waste-disposal(处理) point .

I ran after a young lady through town recently to give her back the piece of paper she had carelessly thrown away. She disappeared into a shop,and when I followed her inside and made my presentation, she was doubly embarrassed--she worked there,and the boss gave her a ticking–off too. I’ve started asking fellow drivers at gas stations why they aren’t using unleaded (无铅的) petrol . These are small things , but we have to start somewhere , and every little does help .

71.We can learn from the first paragraph that        .

A.you and I are responsible for looking after the environment

B.the government and industry are responsible for looking after the environment

C.the government is responsible for looking after the environment

D.both A and B

72.To help the environment , the author is trying to do everything mentioned below EXCEPT

A.taking the train instead of a car   B.throwing away the old cars

C.avoiding the use of pesticides

D.running after those who throw articles carelessly

73.The author ran after a woman through town because he wanted         .

A.to find out where she worked

B.to give her back the piece of paper she had lost

C.to tell her not to throw away pieces of paper carelessly

D.to ask her to pay him for picking up the piece of paper.

74.The word “ticking-off ” in the last paragraph probably means         .

A.blaming       B. a piece of paper      C.prize        D. ticket

75.The purpose of this passage is to         .

A.persuade his friends to take the train

B.inform us of the good news

C.make clear who is responsible for the environment

D.try to advise us all to protect our environment

五、短文改错 (每题1分共10分)






May I have you attention please? I have a few things             76.

to tell you. When you have a class here in the langugae           77.

lab, please be here a little early. Change your shoes             78.

before enter the lab. Don’t bring anything here except            79.

your textbook. When you are in, please don’t touch               80

these machines without permit. Always do as the                 81

teacher tell you to. In class you should only speak                82

the English, not Chinese.  Recorders can be used to               83

make a copy of the listening materials. When class               84

over, make sure that your machines turned off.                 85



1.该报于2003年10月15日正式出版, 它是目前国内第一份根据中学生阅读水平和需要而设计的英语时事周刊。

2.它用浅显的英语介绍一些热门话题,包括世界要闻、校园热点 (campus trends)、影视娱乐 (entertainment)、体育休闲、科技生活、大家一起学等栏目。




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一单项选择 (每题1分共15分)


56-60CDABB     61-65BCCAB    66-70CDADB    71-75DBCAD


76. you→your      77. √   78. early→earlier     79. enter→entering

80. textbook→textbooks   81. permit→permission   82. tell→tells    83. 去掉the

84. class后面加is   85. turned前面加are


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