67. The passage tells us __________
A. how to make the complaint have a better effect
B. how to settle a consumer's complaint
C. how to avoid buying something wrong
D. how to deal with complaints from consumers
71. This machine has a u_____________ use in the home.
72. The guy who invented computers must have made a f_________ by now.
73. A computer consists of thousands of c____________.
74. Marting Luther King is a brave fighter against racial d________________.
75. This law will come into effect when the national security is t___________.
76. Many natural ____________(现象)can be explained by advanced science.
77. Don’t forget that using the car is a ___________(特权), not a right.
78. I stood there _________ (发抖) with anger.
79. The arts of China have not ____________(衰落) in spite of Western influence.
80. His __________(光辉的)image will forever live in the hearts of the people.
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