43.A. taking B. costing C. giving D. making
44.A. think up B. hold up C. give off D. break out
45.A.realize B. recognize C. take D. shoot
46.A.found B. discovered C. cheated D. followed
47.A.school B. society C. belief D. money
48.A.or B. but C. if D. since
49.A.life B. nature C. society D. money
50.A.wrongly B. coldly C. mainly D. whole-heartedly
Beautiful music flows from his dancing hands and speaks a language for all people — young and old, rich and poor — to hear. It is a language of love and romance.
With "Pour Elise" (《致爱丽丝》) and "Ballade Pour Adeline" 《水边的阿蒂丽娜》), French pianist Richard Clayderman is loved by millions all over the world. His lively, yet soft piano playing is his trademark.
And now, he has mixed his music with the sounds of the East. Clayderman, with his blonde (金色的) hair and blue eyes, recently cooperated with China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra (CBCO,中国广播民族乐团) to record his latest album "New Era" (《新时代》), which was released across the world last Wednesday.
"I have been intoxicated (陶醉) by Chinese folk music. It's a treasure worthy of being introduced to the world. I hope my piano and interpretation (阐释) can bridge the West and the East," said the 49-year-old pianist.
Some of the most famous folk music in China, including "Faraway Place" (《在那遥远的地方》) and "Kang Ding Love Song" (《康定情歌》), is interpreted by the pianist, who is also known as the "Prince of Romance".
Clayderman has created a whirlwind of passion, which sweeps listeners off their feet and off to a faraway grassland.
And for the first time in his life, Clayderman plays the piano alongside traditional Chinese instruments such as the erhu, pipa and flute (笛子).
"The magic erhu works very well with the piano and helps to create a sense of quietness and mystery in the peaceful beauty of the music."
To record "Cicada" (《蝉之歌》), a folk song of the Dong ethnic group (侗族), the musician made several visits to the mountainous villages where the Dong people live in Yunnan Province. "Cicada", he says, is a conversation between the piano and erhu. It is also a communication between western and traditional Chinese music.
Clayderman is not the first western musician to be charmed by Chinese folk music. In 1992, Heinrich Schweizer, a composer (作曲家) in Switzerland, wrote the "East and West Symphony" (《东西之声交响乐》) to celebrate the cultural meeting of China and the West. His work weaves Chinese traditional folk songs with classical Western music to produce an original (原创的) orchestral sound.
Traditional ways of life are disappearing in this fast developing world. So, combining the old with the new is important in keeping alive the great diversity (多样性) of cultures. "This cooperation with western music is an efficient way to promote Chinese folk music to the world," said Zhang Gaoxiang, vice-director of CBCO.
51. What makes Richard Clayderman different from other musicians?
A. He is called Prince of Romance.
B. Pour Elise & Ballade Pour Adeline.
C. East and West Symphony.
D. His vibrant yet soft piano playing.
52. It was the pianist's hope to ________ through his latest album.
A. play the piano alongside traditional Chinese music instruments.
B. celebrate the cultural meeting of east and west.
C. create a world of quietness and mystery.
D. interpret Chinese music in his own way.
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