【摘要】威廉希尔app 高中频道的编辑就为您准备了高中2014年高二英语下册期末试题答案
1.5分: 虽答案正确,但字数超出
1分: 虽答案接近,但比如第56没有用Because、60的Challenging没有ing形式、或比如57和60只答出了一半内容(kids 或beginning golfers)
0.5分: 只写出了一些关键词,但答案破碎
0分: 答案完全错误、答非所问.
第一行 去掉first前的at 第二行 all→ both same前的 a→ the
第三行 it→ them 第四行 about→ with 第五行 so→ but
第六行 choose→ chose 第七行never后加as Had→ Having
第八行 slow→ slowly
One possible version:
Dear Gao Lin,
With the approaching of the annual college entrance examination, it’s my sincere hope that everything is fine with you.
Important though the exam is, it doesn’t mean you cannot be calm and confident, as it can serve to boost your potential and result in a more satisfactory result.
No matter how busy you’re, you’d better make sure you can sleep for about seven hours per day so that you can be energetic while studying.
Eat properly and healthily, but do not risk breaking away from the food or drink you’ve already been accustomed to.
To review your lessons more effectively, it’s always a good idea to listen to the instructions from the teachers and make more efforts in the classroom. In addition, the mistakes in your previous homework or test papers ought to be corrected in time to avoid repeating them in the college entrance exam.(127词)
Wish you success in the coming college entrance examination.
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
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