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— 54 How long will it take to get there?

—You can never tell. One or two months.

—In that case, I guess I’d rather send it by air. 55

—No, just one week. You just need to fill out the recipient’s information here.


A. That’s kind of expensive.

B. And can it get there in two weeks?

C. It couldn’t be worse.

D. That depends.

E. Where is it going?

F. Ten dollars and fifty cents.

G. That sounds better.

第II卷 (非选择题, 共60分)

题号 阅读表达 短文改错 书面表达 总分


第三部分 写作(共三节,满分60分)

第一节 阅读表达(共5小题;毎小题2分,满分10分)


People who play golf are talking about an idea to make the sport more popular, especially with kids: Make the hole bigger.

Some people think golf is too hard. Many years ago it was described as “a game whose aim is to hit a very small ball into an even smaller hole.”

So some golf officials figure that if they make the hole 15 inches wide — about the size of an extra-large pizza— players will score better, play faster and have more fun. Some folks even want to allow players to hit do-over shots (after bad ones) or throw the ball out of sand traps. These changes are being suggested because there were about 30 million golfers in 2005, and by 2012, that number had dropped to about 25 million, according to the National Golf Foundation. And the game is not very popular among kids.

I have played golf since I was a child, and I think bigger holes would be great, especially for kids and beginning golfers. Think about it: We change the rules in lots of kids’ sports to make the games easier and more fun to play. Why should golf be any different?

Many soccer leagues start kids with four-against-four matches on smaller fields without goalkeepers(守门员). This is great, because there is more scoring, and all the players get more touches.

A 10-foot basket and a regular basketball are too much for most 7- or 8-year-olds. They can hardly get the ball to the basket. So kids play on an eight-foot basket with a smaller ball.

But after a few years of putting the ball into a pizza-size hole, I hope kids would try the adult version of golf. Sports should be about challenging yourself and trying to get better.

It’s hard to swim 100 meters or run a mile or learn to handle a puck(冰球) while skating. But when you do it, you feel proud and ready to take on something even harder. Games that are too easy become boring.

In fact, golfers often work on their putting by placing a tee(高尔夫球的球基) or a coin on the practice green. Then they try to hit the tee or coin.

After that, the 4.25-inch hole looks as big as an extra-large pizza.

56. Why is golf described as “a game whose aim is to hit a very small ball into an even smaller hole.”?(within 5 words)



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