73. We can learn from the passage that _____.
A. organic farmers use more expensive materials.
B. a large number of farmers produce organic food.
C. the government will soon help organic farming.
D. organic farmers also use herbicides or pesticides.
74. What is mainly discussed in this passage?
A. How to grow organic food. B. The benefits of organic food.
C. Organic food and the environment. D. Why organic food costs more.
75. What is the attitude of the author towards organic farming?
A. Doubtful. B. Not mentioned. C. Negative. D. Positive.
第四部分 书面表达(共二节,满分35分)
第一节 阅读表达(共5题,每题2分,满分10分)
阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题 (请注意问题后的词数要求)。
[1] Rising temperatures have forced many plants to climb to higher elevations(海拔)to survive, researchers reported.
[2] More than two-thirds of the plants studied along six West European mountain ranges climbed an average of 29 meters in altitude in each decade since 1905 to better conditions on higher ground, the researchers reported in the journal Science.
[3] “This is the first time it's shown that climate change has a significant effect on a large set of forest plant species,” said Jonathan Lenoir, a forest ecologist at Agro Paris Tech in France, who led the study. “It helps us to develop our understanding of how ecosystems respond to temperature changes.”
[4] The French team's findings suggest plants at high altitudes face the same or greater impacts from rising temperatures. “Plants species move where it's the most suitable for them to grow,” Lenoir said. “If you change these good conditions, species will move to recover the same conditions.”
[5] Using database on plant species found at specific locations and elevations stretching back to 1905, the researchers showed many plants have steadily climbed higher to conditions best suited for survival and growth.
[6] Plants move higher when they disperse (分散) their seeds in the wind, which blows them to high elevations and cooler temperatures similar to their former location, Lenoir said.
[7] The researchers tracked 171 forest plant species during two periods-between 1905 and 1985, and from1986 to 2005—along the entire elevation ranging from sea level to 2,600 meters. They found that two-thirds of the plants responded to warming temperatures over that time by______________.
[8] Plants at higher altitudes also appear most sensitive to warmer conditions because slight temperature changes at higher altitudes have a bigger impact.
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