What do we know about the ship?
A. It will stop at four ports.
B. It will go directly to its destination.
C. It can travel about 25 miles per hour.
Why do the speakers stop walking?
A. The woman is seasick.
B. The sea is becoming rough.
C. The man needs to take his pills.
What are the speakers mainly talking about?
A. Car sickness.
B. Reading in a vehicle.
C. Means of transportation.
What does the man think aobut reading on the bus?
A. It makes him want to throw up.
B. It lets him make full use of time.
C. It helps him concentrate on his work better.
What does the woman usually do on her way home?
A. Do nothing.
B. Read books.
C. Play mobile games.
When is the dinner party going to start?
A. Before 6:30. B. At exactly 7:00. C. A little after 7:00.Who is Elizabeth?
A. The man’s wife. B. Another teacher.
C. The woman’s close friend.
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