During the tsunami(海啸)disaster of 2004,over 300,000 people died.No one has counted the number of animals killed,but we know that it wasn't many.All over the region,before the disaster struck,animals were behaving strangely.
Shortly before the tsunami,in Khaolak,Thailand,twelve elephants that were giving tourists rides became agitated.They suddenly left their usual habitat,carrying four surprised Japanese tourists to safety.On the eastern coast of India,flamingos(火烈鸟),which should be breeding at this time of year,suddenly flew to higher ground.Of the two thousand wild pigs that live in an Indian nature reserve,only one was found dead after the tsunami.
The idea that the animals are able to predict disasters is nothing new. In fact,it has been well-recorded over the years. Twelve hours before Hurricane Charlie hit Florida in 2004,fourteen sharks left their natural habitat and stayed in deep waters for two weeks. The sharks,which were being observed by US scientists,had never done this before.They escaped the hurricane.In the winter of 1975 in Haicheng,China,snakes which would normally have been hibernating(冬眠)were seen on the ground.Days later there was a big earthquake striking.
Unlike human beings,wild animals' senses are sharper and they can feel even the smallest changes in the environment.In other words,they see natural warnings that are invisible to the human eye.Ancient people probably had the similar“senses”, which they needed to survive,but these have been lost to us as modern technology leads us further away from the danger that nature creates.
The real question is,can we use the reactions of animals to save ourselves from natural di sasters? Animal behaviour expert,Rupesh Kaneira,believes we have no choice.“The technology which we rely on isn't always perfect,and in poorer countries it isn't even available(可用的).An imals know the environment better than any of us.When they run for their lives,we must follow.”
25.The underlined word “agitated”in Paragraph 2 probably means .
A.worried and nervous B.tired and uneasy
C.disappointed and sad D.excited and happy
26.The wild animals can predict the natural disasters because they .
A.can run for their lives when natural disasters happen
B.don't have any modern technology to help them
C.are being observed and tracked for scientific experiments
D.are quick to notice the slightest changes in the environment
27.How is the third paragraph developed?
A.By giving explanations B.By listing examples.
C.By presenting the reasons. D.By comparing the differences.
28.The best title of the passage might be .
A.Few Animals Died in the Tsunami B.Animals React to Disasters
C.Animals can Survive Disasters D.Following Animals may Save Us
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