74.According to White,why were the women surveyed more likely to use old computers?
A.Most office workers use old computers.
B.They do some of their work with computers.
C.Dealing with new equipment can cause anxiety.
D.They are easier to be satisfied with new technology.
75.What is the subject of this news story?
A.Poor working conditions in offices.
B.Research work of the Work Foundation.
C.Influence of technology in the workplace.
D.Different attitudes to old computers.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
第一节 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Friday Mar.9,2011Cloudy
This morning,on my way to school,
I saw something lying by the roadside,
shining.To my s________,it was a gold 76.________
necklace.I quickly picked it ________ 77.________
and looked around.No one seemed to be
looking for the lost necklace.Should I
hand it in to the ________(最近的)pol 78.________
ice station?But classes would begin in a
________ minutes.I had no time to de 79.________
al with it.So,I decided to t________ it 80.________
with me to school for the time being.
Soon ________ I got to school,classes 81.________
began.After class,I handed in the neck
lace to the headmaster,________(告诉) 82.________
him the story.He spoke h________ 83.________
of my honesty.When school was over,I
heard our school radio station broadcast
the school ________(新闻) that 84.________
________(表扬) me for doing a good 85.________
deed.Mom and Dad were overjoyed to
hear my story.
第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
9月15日是你校的读书日。这一天,高一(1)班的5名学生把全班同学前一天筹集到的书籍送往偏远的乡村育才小学,该班班长Wang Feng还在那里做了一场“知识就是力量”的演讲。假如你是校英语报的记者,请按下列要点用英语写一则词数120左右的新闻报道。
Sending Books to a Remote Primary School
By Lin Ling,School Newspaper
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