81. 我想解决这问题的关键是兴趣而不是强迫。
In my opinion, the key ___________ ___________ the problem is to be interested rather than to force yourself.
82. 如果你继续以这种方式行事,最终会像老话说的那样:搬起石头砸自己的脚。
If you continue like this, you will ___________ ___________ lifting a stone only to have it drop on you own foot, as the old saying goes.
83. 他们坐在草地上,有说有笑。
They were sitting on the grass, ___________ and ___________.
84. 总统随后讲话并解答了记者的提问。
The President then took __________ ___________ and answered the journalists’ questions.
85. 没有免费的午餐。
There is ___________ ___________ thing as a free lunch.
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