【摘要】威廉希尔app 小编编辑整理了高二英语听力DAY BY DAY:单元17,供广大同学们在暑假期间,复习本门课程,希望能帮助同学们加深记忆,巩固学过的知识!
Part A Short Conversations
Directions:In Part A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the three or four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
( )1. A. The registration time becomes longer.
B. The registration is not easier.
C. The registration is operated by computers.
D. This is the first time that the registration work has been done.
( )2. A. Go to Paris.
B. Spend a weekend at home.
C. Go to London.
D. Visit her cousin.
( )3. A. By taxi.
B. By car.
C. By bus.
D. By bicycle.
( )4. A. Relieved.
B. Relaxed.
C. Upset.
D. Suspicious.
( )5. A. She wanted the bakery to bake the cake.
B. She baked the cake herself.
C. The bakery made it for her.
D. She had to bake the cake for the bakery.
( ) 6. A. On the phone.
B. In an apartment.
C. In the basement.
D. Out of an apartment.
( ) 7. A. She wants to go to the bank.
B. She wants to go on swimming to the bank.
C. She wants to reach the bank before it is closed.
D. She wants to begin to swim to the other side of the river.
( ) 8. A. Four participants failed to win prizes.
B. The man ate during the show.
C. The woman missed the show.
D. Five participants won cars.
( ) 9. A. Matthew wanted to leave in the morning.
B. He’s surprised that Matthew changed his mind.
C. Matthew can plan the party himself.
D. He wishes he’d thought of Matthew before.
( )10. A. She doesn’t like to go shopping.
B. She went shopping yesterday.
C. She doesn’t live near the shops.
D. She prefers shopping to studying.
Part B Passages
Directions:In Part B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
( )11. A. The cost of a postcard.
B. A few pounds.
C. Free of charge.
D. Nothing when you read them in the library.
( )12. A. Magazines.
B. Encyclopaedia(百科全书).
C. Dictionaries.
D. Novels.
( )13. A. Dictionaries.
B. Books on gardening.
C. Books on architecture.
D. Books on science.
Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.
( )14. A. Italy.
B. Indonesia.
C. Japan.
D. Britain.
( )15. A. Strong winds.
B. Strong waves caused by an earthquake.
C. The eruption of a volcano.
D. The great noise during an earthquake.
( )16. A. The powerful force inside the earth.
B. The strong waves.
C. The shake of the ground.
D. The fire from a volcano.
Part C Longer Conversation
Directions:In Part C, you will hear one longer conversation. The conversation will be read twice. After you hear the conversation, you are required to fulfill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Write your answers on your answer sheet.
Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.
Information About Herbert
His previous job:(17)______.
The place he moved to:Alaska.
Reasons he moved back:It’s(18)______.
His present job:(19)______.
When to meet him:(20)______.
Complete the form. Write no more than THREE WORDS for each answer.
Part D Listen and Repeat(重点词组与句型结构)
Directions:In Part D, you will hear five sentences. While listening, take some notes to help you. The sentences will be read twice. After you have heard each sentence, repeat it.
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