阅读下面短文,并根据短文后的要求答题。浙江高考英语自选模块由威廉希尔app 提供!
Our cultural backgrounds influence how we make choices in nearly every area of our lives. Form early on, members of individualist societies are taught the importance of choice. As soon as children can talk,or perhaps as soon as they can accurately point,they are asked, “Which one of these would you like?” By the age of four ,he may well be expected to both
Understand and respced to the challenging question, “what do you want to be when you grow up?”From this children learn that they should be able to figure out what they like and dislike , what will make them happy and what won`t ①
By contrast, members of collectivist societies place greater emphasis on duty .Children are often told, :If you`re a good child , you`ll do what your parents tell you. “ ② As you grow older , instead of being asked what you want , you may be asked ,”How will you take care of your pareents` needs and wants? How will you make them proud?’’ It is believed that your parents, and olders in general, will show you the right way to live your life so that you will be paotected from a costly mistake.
③ Get a piece of paper and the from write down all the aspects of your life in which you like having choice .On the back , list all the aspects in which you would prefer not to have choice , or to have someone clse choose for you ,Take a few extra minutes to make sure you have`t left anyching out
When I had 100 American and Japanese college students do this exercise , the front sides of the American` pages were often completely filled with answers such as “my job” “where I live “ and “who I vote for “In contrast , the backs , without exception, were either completely blank or contained only a single item , most commomly “when I like or “when my loved ones die “ The Japanese a very different pattern of results , with not a single one wishing to have choice all or nearly all of the times ④ Comparing responses between the two ,Americans destred personal choice in four as many domains of life as the Japanese
根据短文内容。从A、B、C、D和E中选出最适合填入短文空白处的选项,并将序号及相应第一节 答案写在答题纸上,选项中有一项是多余选项。
A.It is evident from an early age that we absorb different ideas about choice from the world around us
B.Let` try are excreise to explore how these different approacties rich have our daily lives
C.Because their happiness is on the line ,their own opingions truly matter ,and they figure out how to judge the outcomes of their choices
D.In fact , on average they listed twice as many areas in which they did not want choice ad compared to areas in which they did
E.From what you eat to what you study ,it is what you`re supposted to do that`s most important浙江高考英语自选模块由威廉希尔app 提供!
参考答案: ①C ②E ③B ④D
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