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高考英语作文范文:一个丢失的钱包(A Lost Bag)



高考英语作文范文:一个丢失的钱包(A Lost Bag)

【摘要】有关于高考英语作文范文:一个丢失的钱包(A Lost Bag)是威廉希尔app 特地为您集合的,威廉希尔app 编辑将第一时间为您整理全国考试资讯信息,供大家参考!

一个丢失的钱包(A Lost Bag)

Mr. Wang is a famous doctor. One day he received an invitation to a medical conference. He was happy and accepted it. He got ready for the speech and put the notes into his bag. Then he went there by train. Unfortunately, his bag fell down from the window of the train while the train was running. Mr. Wang was very worried, but he knew the train couldn’t stop for him to pick the bag up.

When the bag fell to the ground, a girl was just going past the railway. She saw the bag and picked it up quickly. Inside it, she found the notes and the address of Mr. Wang. She thought the owner must be worried about it. So she hurried to the post office at once to send it to Mr. Wang.Some days after,Mr. Wang received his bag before his speech was made. He was both happy and surprised. Thanks to the girl, his speech could be successful. He didn’t know who the sender was.However, he decided to find the girl and thank her.




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