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4. 建立良好人际关系的障碍

过于胆怯:You might be a bit shy in the new surroundings.

过于敏感:You might be a sensitive person and worry too much about what people think of you.

过于内向:You might be too silent. However, silence only makes matters worse.

5. 如何维持良好的人际关系

避免争吵:Try to avoid quarrels. Discuss and negotiate with your friends when your opinions differ.

善于倾听:Be a good listener while your friends are talking. Listening contributes to building up excellent relationships between people.

真诚待人:Be sincere to your friends, especially when you think they’re doing something wrong.

乐于助人:Be ready to help your friends whenever they’re in need.


例如山东卷的这道题,根据信件的形式和“帮助同学融入班级”这一主题,文章首先应符合英文书信的写作格式,正文则应根据“分析李明难以融入班级的原因”“提出建议”“陈述具体打算”这几个内容要点,从内容准备中选择合适的进行表达。例如,难以融入新集体的原因可能是You might be a bit shy in such new surroundings;提出的建议有:Silence only makes matters worse. Be brave and make full use of your passion and kindness to bridge the gap between us. As the communication between us goes further, we’re sure to find much in common;你具体的打算可以是:I will take you with me when activities are planned,等等。在此基础上,表达连贯、有条理就可以了。

高考复习的重点一是要掌握所有的知识点,二就是要大量的做题,威廉希尔app 的编辑就为各位考生带来了2014高考英语作文:人际关系





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