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威廉希尔app 高考频道为您整理的高考作文素材:书面表达题必用必背素材,希望对你有所帮助

书面表达题必用必背素材(the written expression topic must use to carry the source material)

it is said/reported/believed/supposed/accepted that people from all walks of life are participating in various activities and the olympic games can promote the understanding and friendship among different peoples and different nations. with the help / improvement / development / communication / construction / understanding /arrangement of …,

without the help / improvement / development / communication / construction / understanding /arrangement of …, we can overcome the difficulty through our hard work.

we could/would ….

i am delighted / pleased / honoured / grateful / sorry that our government showed great concern to the local people and supplies were sent to the snow-struck areas the pla men helped us struggle against the snow and reconstruct our own home. great importance / sense / use / value / help/ maganificence for us to call on the people to build an energy-saving society and promote public awareness of environmental protection. .it is true / wrong / useful / important / necessary / helpful / obvious / clear / certain / well known that we should be careful not to say improper words, control our feelings and avoid improper behavior.

there is no doubt / need / use / help / that we should stick to our posts, offering good service, satisfying(meeting)any reasonable needs and being ready to help those in difficulty and never fail to do our duty.

7. that’s why / because / the reason why /( how / what ) we should improve the quality of the population, draw our constant attention to the communication and transportation and leave a deep impression to the guests from all over the world.

8. we find / want to make / think / wish /

our country beautiful/ strong / rich / prosperous.

people rich / healthy / happy / successful.

9. to (in order to )improve / enrich / enlarge / reduce / increase / show / meet one’s needs / carry out /encourage / …, we ….

10. as is known / as we know / as is clear to us, …

11. according to the chart / plan / diagram / program / analysis / table / , we find / conclud / realise / that …

12. the truth / fact / secret / answer / problem / question / doubt / key lies that ….

13. only in this way / by doing this can we …

14. through this we find / come to know / realize / conclude / believe / can figure out / predict / draw a conclusion / learn that ….

15.逻辑词 howerver / therefore / so / as a result / in this way / what’s more, / after all / in a word /

只要大家用心学习,认真复习,就有可能在高考的战场上考取自己理想的成绩。威廉希尔app 的编辑为大家带来的高考作文素材:书面表达题必用必背素材,希望能为大家提供帮助。





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