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Run Away, Don't Delay

One night, my son was watching his big screen TV alone, and I decided to join him. He was watching a show__1__there were college students going to a get­together in Washington DC, and__2__the thousands who gathered there to celebrate something. When they got there, they started becoming__3__in drinking, and doing drugs. I didn't want to watch it any more, so got up and went to bed.

About 3?30 a.m. I awoke, and lay there thinking about__4__, and a poem began forming in my mind, which began as, “__5__sin(something wrong)comes calling, or knocking at your door, run away, don't delay,__6__sin is like a magnet, and it will pull you down, run away, do not__7__.” As I lay there, there was music which__8__it, and I knew that there was no way I would remember it by__9__, so I got up and sat at the table, trying to__10__both the words and the music which came to me at the time.__11__the pattern was set, and I had the notes written down in my notebook, the__12__of the poem came to me as well.

When it got__13__I decided to sit down at the piano and began trying to play it. My family came into the sitting room and I told them about the song, and wanted to__14__it with them. They all liked it, and__15__several times that day, I sang it again, and played it again, trying to fix it in my__16__.

Later, I wanted to put the song on paper__17__just the little dots in my notebook indicating how high and how__18__to go. Not knowing how to do that, I__19__the song, and then sent it to my sister, Jennie, who had written many songs using her own poetry and music, and soon, here came the music and words all done up__20__. I was so glad.


1.A.that         B.which

C.in which D.for which

答案:C 此句是一个定语从句。in which中的which指代先行词a show。

2.A.joining B.watching

C.reporting D.encouraging

答案:A join sb.“和某人一起做(某事)”,此处指大学生们和很多人一起庆祝。

3.A.satisfied B.involved

C.excited D.embarrassed

答案:B be involved in...“参与……;卷入……”。

4.A.the tragedy B.the accident

C.the mistake D.the program

答案:D program“节目”;此处指代1空前的show。

5.A.Whenever B.However

C.Wherever D.Whoever

答案:A whenever“每当……时”;句意:当错误敲你的门时,马上跑开,不要犹豫。

6.A.for B.with

C.thus D.otherwise

答案:A for在此表原因,用于主句之后。

7.A.see B.stay

C.care D.take

答案:B 此处选stay与前面的delay和韵,而且同义。

8.A.caught up with B.got on well with

C.took part in D.came along with

答案:D come along with“同……一起出现”。

9.A.now B.heart

C.night D.morning

答案:D 我睡不着了,我想在天亮前一直记着是不可能的。

10.A.turn off B.write to

C.put down D.look back

答案:C put down“记下;写下”。

11.A.Since B.Once

C.Before D.Because

答案:B once“一旦”;一旦确定下模式和音符,这首诗的其余部分也随之而来。

12.A.style B.other

C.rest D.part

答案:C the rest“剩余部分;其余”。参见上题。

13.A.light B.sunny

C.well D.perfect

答案:A get light“天亮”。

14.A.learn B.check

C.share D.write

答案:C share sth. with sb.“和某人分享……”。此处指我迫不及待地想和家人分享我新想出的诗。

15.A.so B.such

C.very D.too

答案:A 我的家人都很喜欢这首诗,“所以”那一天我吟诵了好几次。

16.A.dream B.heart

C.life D.family

答案:B in one's heart“在某人内心深处”。

17.A.but for B.instead of

C.other than D.as if

答案:B instead of“而不是”。我想把诗写下来,而不是仅仅停留在我的笔记本上的小点点。

18.A.big B.far

C.low D.sweet

答案:C 该空与前面的high对应相反。

19.A.recorded B.sang

C.played D.printed

答案:A record“录制”。

20.A.kindly B.carefully

C.friendly D.nicely

答案:D nicely相当于well。

16-17高考英语一轮复习选修6Unit2专项练习(附答案)的内容就是这些,威廉希尔app 预祝广大考生金榜题名。





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