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Many of us already know about several American superstitions (迷信). Having a black cat cross your path, walking ladder, and breaking a mirror are all bad luck. In addition to these, there are many other superstitions that are worth knowing. Understanding them will keep you safe from evil spirits ? if you believe in such things?iand impress your American friends when you mention them.

Like the superstitions in other cultures, American superstitions often involve the things important in daily life, such as health, numbers, and marriage. For example, have you ever had a cough that would not go away? According to one American superstition, you should take a piece of your hair and put it between two slices of buttered bread. Next, feed this hair sandwich to a dog and say, “Eat well, you hound, may you be sick and I be sound.” This will trick the evil spirits and help your cough. It will also raise some eyebrows if you try it.

In American superstitions, the number three is very important. Often, Americans will say, “All things come in threes.” Three is lucky because it represents the traditional family: mother, father, and child. Therefore, gifts, letters, and guests will often arrive at your home in groups of three. However, it is also possible for bad events, like accidents and funerals, to come in threes as well.

Another time people pay attention to superstitions is when they get married. During a wedding, brides must wear or carry “something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.” The old and borrowed things will bring luck to the person who gives them to the bride. The new and blue things will bring good fortune to the bride herself. The next time someone you know is getting married, be sure to recite this phrase.

As it would be unlucky to discuss one more superstition, we will wind things up here. Keep your fingers crossed, and stay lucky!

53. The passage is most probably entitled “_______”.

A. American’s Bad Luck B. Cross-culture and Superstitions

C. American Superstitions D. Daily Life in Superstitions

54. The underlined sentence in the second paragraph “It will also raise some eyebrows if you try it. ” means _____.

A. whey you try it, the dog will raise its eyebrows

B. you will make some people surprised when you try this trick

C. only if you raise your eyebrows can the trick work

D. you will believe in the trick after you try it

55. In American’s view, the number three is a(n) _____ number.

A. lucky B. unlucky C. special D. ordinary

56. On the wedding, the bride often uses old and borrowed things so as to _____.

A. save some money for the wedding

B. bring good luck to the people who gave them to the bride

C. give the good luck to the bride herself

D. pass the bad luck to others

57. After reading the passage, we may feel it is written in a _______ tone.

A. formal B. serious C. humorous D. critical


Drinking a lot of water does not do any good to the body, according to two experts in the United States. In fact, they warn, drinking too much water could be, in certain cases, harmful.

In a study, Dr Stanly Goldfarb and Dr Dan Negoianu, both of the Renal, Electrolyte and Hypertension Division at the University of Pensylvania, the United States, have denied the popular belief that drinking a lot of water clears body toxins(毒素)better, improves skin, and helps reduce weight.

Dr Goldfarb and Dr Negoianu say that they found little proof to back the public opinion that drinking 8 glasses of water every day benefits health. At the same time, they fond little proof of harm in drinking 8 glasses of water every day.

It is widely believed that in some cases, such as athletes, people who live in hot, dry environments, and those with certain medical conditions-drinking a lot of water indeed helps, but no studies have been done to prove the benefits of this practice in average, healthy people, the website medheadlines.com reports.

The study at the University of Pennsylvania also examined reports that some people experienced increased headaches when their consumption (消耗)of water was low. In one small study, which the doctors reviewed, the group drinking the most water reported fewer headaches than the control group, “but the difference in the number of headaches was so small between the two groups as to be considered unimportant.”

The researchers concluded that there is no scientific proof to support that average, healthy people need to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. The website medheadlines.com says that, according to an Indian doctor, drinking too much water is harmful. If water enters the body more quickly than it can be removed, problems can occur.

58. What’s the key message delivered in the passage? _____

A. Drinking too much water might bring harm.

B. Whether to drink enough water makes no difference.

C. Drinking too much water may cause headaches.

D. Average, healthy people should drink more water.

59. Who may agree that drinking lots of water helps to lose weight?

A. The two experts. B. The Indian doctor.

C. The general public. D. The website.

60. According to the passage, we know that_______.

A. the website medheadlines.com is developed by an Indian doctor

B. the study was carried out by two experts with an Indian doctor

C. the two experts performed the study at the University of Pennsylvania

D. drinking 8 glasses of water every day can cure certain diseases

第二节 根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。


Of course.

From your resume(简历), you were an English major, weren’t you?

That’s right. But I’m particularly fond of French.


My last position was with Lenovo Group. That was from 2005 to 2010. 63 That was from 2003 to 2005.

Could you tell me what kind of salary you are expecting?

64 I understand that this position has a starting salary of around 4,000 yuan a month.

That’s right.

65 What I care about most is whether the company provides opportunities for further education.

Yes, our employees are allowed to take up to six hours a week at full pay, to attend college courses.

Before that I worked for China Construction First Group.

That would be fine with me.

Could you tell me what kind of work experience you’ve had?

I wish I could get more than 5,000 yuan a month.

Shall we discuss your education background?

In my last job I was making 3,000 yuan a month.

That’s a good idea.

第II卷(非选择题 共55分)

第三部分 写作(共三节,满分55分)



66. The postman will ______(递送) your order to your door. 66. ____________

67. ______(无论如何), I wouldn’t let any trouble come to you. 67. ____________

68. His work does not reach the _______(标准) required. 68. ____________

69. Maria got the fruit cheaply after______(讨价还价) with the trader.

69. ____________

70. Please read the _______(说明) on the bottle before you take medicine.

70. ____________

71. Advertisers should take into _______(考虑) what kind of

consumers the ad will reach. 71. ____________

72. Della and Jim were living in a ________(有家具的) flat. 72. ____________

73. ______(不幸地), he was badly injured in the car accident. 73. ____________

74. The criminal finally ______ (承认) his crime in court. 74. ______________

75. The doctor wrapped the medicine in a ______ (被子). 75. ____________

第二节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)






One day I bought a pair of leather shoes in a shoes shop. 76. _______

The seller there told me that he will have “three guarantees” 77. _______

for the shoes. I left the shop. And only four days later the shoes 78. _______

were worn out, so I was angry and returned back to the shop 79. _______

hope to get my money back. I told him what had happened 80. _______

to my shoes. When he knew I had bought the shoes for four days, 81. _______

he refused, that made me surprised. I asked him why he didn’t 82. _______

keep her promise. But the seller said, “ Do you understand the 83. _______

‘three guarantees’? It means that the shoes can only be guarantee 84. _______

for three days!”

What a foolish but sly explanation to the “three guarantees”! 85. _______

第三节 书面表达 (满分30 分)



学生会学习部长: the academic minister of the Students’ Union

注意:1. 开头语已为你写好,不计入总词数。

2. 词数:100左右。

3. 可根据需要补充与文章有关的信息。

Dear Mr. Colin,


I. 1~5 BAADC

II. 6~10 BDACC 11~15 ABDCD 16~20 ACABA

III. 21~25 ADCCD 26~30 BADCD 31~35 CBACD

36~40 DCCCB

IV. 41~44 BCCA 45~48 ACDD 49~52 ABBC

53~57 CBCBC 58~60. ACC 61~65 ECADB

V. 66. deliver 67. Anyway 68. standard 69. bargaining

70. instructions 71. consideration / account 72. furnished

73. Unfortunately / Unluckily 74. admitted 75. quilt

VI. 76. shoes改为 shoe 77. will 改为would 78. And改为 But 79. 去掉back 80. hope改为 hoping 81. bought改为 kept 82. that改为 which 83. her改为 his 84.guarantee改为 guaranteed 85. 正确


Dear Mr. Colin,

I am more than excited to hear that you will be our new foreign teacher! On behalf of all my schoolmates, I’d like to extend our warmest welcome and heartfelt gratitude.

As the academic minister of the Students’ Union in the High School Attached to the Northwest Normal University, I’d like to give you some suggestions in the hope that you will have a better teaching experience here.

In the first place, I suggest you create a lively atmosphere by taking advantage of yourself such as playing games, singing songs and sharing the highlights of your life, because we Chinese students have different expectations from a foreign teacher. Second, I think it’s necessary to design the tasks and activities which fit in with our level of the English language. Otherwise, many students would feel frustrated and even give up, thus losing interest in your class.

In a word, I hope we will respect each other and that we can improve our English and broaden our horizons through your teaching.

Sincerely yours,

Li hua



2017年高考英语一轮复习练习题:必修1.1《 Friendship》(解析版)



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