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第二节 语法填空(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)

There once was a goat and a donkey, which lived 41  a farm. The donkey worked the hardest so the farmer fed it the 42  (good) food. Sometimes the donkey was given more food 43 it could eat. This made the goat so jealous 44  it began plotting against(谋划对付)the donkey. "Hey, donkey," the goat said one day. "I think you do too much work. You carry such heavy things from morning to night. Why don't you pretend 45  (get) sick so you can take a day 46  ?'' The donkey thought the goat had a great idea. So the next morning, the donkey lay in the stable(畜栏)on its side with its eyes 47  (close). Right away, the farmer called the doctor. 48  looking at the donkey, the doctor said it needed a special medicine 49  (make)from the heart of a goat. So the farmer killed 50  goat and gave the donkey the medicine.


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