高考英语短文改错专练及答案:Sue and Ann
【摘要】高考是每个人一生中都要经历的一次至关重要的一次考试,要考好高考,就一定要知道高考要考些什么。威廉希尔app 高考频道的编辑就为您准备了高考英语短文改错专练及答案:Sue and Ann
Sue and Ann often meet at a cheaper restaurant to eat 1. ____
and talking about life and school after their morning 2. ____
class. Sometimes, instead of talking ,they play a 3. ____
game that they call it "people watching". They start the 4. ____
game in observing and listening to people around 5. ____
them carefully and make guesses about their lives as 6. ____
ages, jobs, likes, dislikes and so on. Of course, 7. ____
they never really knew whether they are right or wrong. 8. ____
Therefore they usually have good reasons for thinking 9. ____
that what they are. "The game is fun," they often say. 10. ____
1. cheaper→cheap
2. talking→talk
3. class→classes
4. 去掉it
5. in→by
6. as前加such
7. √
8. knew→know
9. Therefore→But
10. 去掉that
以上就是小编为大家准备的高考英语短文改错专练及答案:Sue and Ann,希望给大家带来帮助。
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