51.make use of利用;
52.offer sb a lift home捎带某人回家;
53.clear up=tidy up整理、收拾;
54.ought to应该;
55.take it easy别紧张;
56.give first aid实施急救;
57.hold up阻挡;
58.come to恢复知觉;
59.have a day off休假一天;
60.be present出席;
61.die out灭绝;
62.cause damage to对——造成损坏;
63.give back归还;
64.put sb to the trouble of doing sth麻烦某人做某事;
65.apologize to sb for (doing) sth因某事向某人道歉;
66.be after寻求;
67.get off脱下;
68.depend on依靠、相信;
69.put down记下;
70.do up系紧;
71.come off从——脱落;
72.be suitable for适合;
73.be anxious about为——而忧虑;
74.wash away冲走;
75.press against one’s foot挤脚;
76.be likely to do很有可能;
77.get everything back to normal是一切恢复正常;
78.push over推倒;
79.wake up醒来;
80.bring down使倒下;
81.cut off切断;
82.call in召集;
83.cut through剪断、穿过;
84.take the place of代替;
85.see to照料、注意;
86.make noise吵闹、发出嘈杂声;
87.stare at凝视;
88.bend over俯身于——的前方;
89.fall over跌倒;
90.speed up加速;
91.fight for为——而战斗;
92.lead to导致;
93.praise sb for sth因某事表扬某人;
95.be bent on doing sth专心致志地做某事;
96.compare notes商量,交换意见;
97.put an end to结束、停止;
98.get sth ready准备某东西;
99.fold up折叠起来;
100.connect to接在——上,连在——-上
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