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1. 好坏与权衡:

reap a lot of benefits from 从…中收获很多

advantage, disadvantage

every coin has its two sides, every thing has two sides


allow (all+low) : allow sb. to do sth.

permit ( per+mit, ) : permit sb. to do, sb. is permitted to do sth., ask for the permission from…

forbid禁止: forbid sb. to do…, sth. is forbidden by…

3.学校与课程 :

in university, on campus, major in主修, minor in辅修,

English course, optional course选修课, required/compulsory course必修课


take sth. into consideration/account

sth. is the decisive决定性的/ an essential/ the most important factor

5. 提及与谈到:

Talking about (the importance of English, three factors should be considered.)

When it comes to (the importance of English, three factors should be considered.)

6. 分歧与主张,

There is no agreement on the issue问题 that…

some people hold the view that…, some others hold an opposite view that…

so far as I am concerned, ... in my opinion, from my perspective,

7. 反对与拥护:

advocate主张: We advocate the change of the policy.

support the idea that


8. 当今与形势

decade: in recent decades,

nowadays, currently, at the present day/time

with the development of science and technology/economy/culture/society

information technology, more and more people are paying attention to…

close/due attention should be paid to

9. 喜好与厌恶

prefer: prefer to do, prefer to do…rather than do, it is my preference, sth. is preferred.

people are reluctant to do…不情愿做某事

10. 现象与原因:

phenomenon现象 phenomena复数

lead to, cause,

So what are the reasons behind this phenomenon?

the reasons behind the phenomenon are as follows

11. 影响与趋势:

tend to趋向于

tendency : There is a growing tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices.

effects: exert effects on

bring negative/positive influence on带来负面/积极影响

do good/harm to

12. 感激与宽恕

be thankful/grateful to sb. for..

to express one’s gratitude to…

I am writing to you to tell you…/to express my thanks…

forgive excuse pardon me for what I did

13. 举例与说明

for instance, such as…

as far as I am concerned以我为例

14. 效率与改善

affect effect

effective efficient efficiency: To make it more efficient/effective.

to enhance/improve sth.

15. 联系与期待

Email: e-mail me at the address:

contact me by the number of…

should there be anything I can help you, never hesitate犹豫 to call me.

I am looking forward to hearing from you; an immediate reply will be fully appreciated.

16. 沉溺与控制:

sth. is prevalent普遍的

become addicted to沉溺于abandon/addict oneself to

sth. is under control

prevent sb. from doing sth.

cancel, fight against

17. 付出与回报:

No pains, no gains.

take pains to do sth.尽力做某事

reward n./vt.报酬,奖赏 rewarding值得的

Learning English is painstaking and challenging but rewarding.

reap a lot of benefits from…

be benefited to do sth.

18. 活动娱乐

recreation activities娱乐活动

Physical training体育

take part in/participate in

entertainment entertain

19. 种类与改变

vary vt./vi改变


various: various kinds of,

a variety of, a great number of

20. 心里与身体



psychologically心理上, psychology心理

mentally心理上, mental health


Becoming addicted to internet is physically harmful and mentally unhealthy.

21. 建议与要求

I suggest that you should…

My suggestion is that people should…

It is important that you should…

essential significant necessary

Due/close attention should be paid to that…

22. 个性与美德

be optimistic/pessimistic/open-minded


hardworking, diligent(diligence), lazy(laziness), cautious, kind-hearted, warm-hearted, ready to help others, cold-blooded

23. 环境与污染

environment pollution, environment protection

ecological balance生态平衡 ecology生态

strike the balance between human society and nature

threaten vt./vi.威胁

pose a threat to human beings对人类构成威胁

punishment, punished, rewarded

例:English may be the most important factor in deciding which countries are leaders in the future.

The language of the most advanced management and technology is undoubtedly English.

Sth/to do sth/doing sth may be the most important factor to sth/in deciding sth.

The sth of sth is undoubtedly sth.

The way to do sth is undoubtedly to do sth.

Being able to do sth is the key to sth/ doing sth.

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