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〖09浙江〗-I’ve read another book this week.

-Well, maybe _____ is not how much you read but what you read that counts.

A. this B. that C. there D. it



〖解析〗句中 “not how much you read”足以做动词count的主语, 所以选D使之构成强调句型。

〖08湖南〗Our nerghbors gave _____ a baby bird yesterday that hurt ______ when it fell from its nest.

A. us,it B. us,itself C. ourselves, itself D. ourselves, it



〖解析〗句意为:昨天我们的邻居给了我们一只雏鸟, 这只雏鸟从窝里摔下来时受了伤。第一空给 “我们”, 应用us;第二空 “鸟伤到了自己”, 故用反身代词itself。

〖08江西〗Isn’t it amazing how the human body heals _______after an injury?

A. himself B. him C. itself D. it




〖07全国II〗___ felt funny watching myself on TV.

A. One B. This C. It D. That



〖解析〗it为形式主语, 真正的主语为动名词短语watching myself on TV。

〖07天津〗He didn’t make ________ clear when and where the meeting would be held.

A. this B. that C. it D. these



〖解析〗句意为:他没有把何时何地召开会议搞清楚。句中“when and where the meeting would be held”为make的真正宾语, it为形式宾语, clear为宾补。

〖07山东〗_______ worries me the way he keeps changing his mind.

A.This B.That C.What D.It



〖解析〗他不停地改变他的想法让我很烦恼。这是一个主语从句, the way he keeps changing his mind 是主语从句, it是形式主语。

2014年高考如何复习一直都是考生们关注的话题,下面是威廉希尔app 的编辑为大家准备的天津高考英语分类汇编:it的用法





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