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一般情况下“too…to ”表示否定意义“太……而不……”。如:

His brother is too young to go to school. 他弟弟太小还不能上学。

The sentence is too difficult for me to translate. 这个句子太难我译不了。

但在以下情况,“too…to ”并不表示否定意义。


(常见的这类词有glad, eager, anxious, happy, ready, nervous, pleased等)。如:

We were too eager to know the result of the exam. 我们急于想了解考试结果。

She was too ready to speak. 她太多嘴多舌。

He was too anxious to leave. 她急于离开。

Sometimes we are too easy to overlook our own faults. 有时我们很容易忽略自己的错误。


Such a man is too ready to blame others to blame himself. 这种人最爱责人而不责己。


如:One is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。

English isn’t too diffcult to learn. 英语并非难得学不会。(或:英语并不难学。)

The girl is too careful not to make any mistakes. 这女生很细心不会出错。

Mary is too clever not to believe him. 玛丽很聪明不会相信他的。

(4)在too前有only, just, simply, all, but等词时,不定式也表示肯定。如:

The foreign visitors are only too glad to have an opportunity to visit the Great Wall.


The boy is only(just/but)too happy to help other students. 这位男生特别喜欢帮助别人。

He knows but too well to hold his tongue. 他深知少说为佳。




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