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反义疑问句表示提问人的看法,没有把握,需要对方证实。威廉希尔app 整理了反义疑问句重要知识点,请考生及时学习。





说明:陈述句部分如果是肯定句,反意疑问句,疑问句部分的助动词/情态动词/be动词+not (否定提问);如果陈述句部分是否定句,反意疑问句,疑问句部分用肯定式提问。


He is your teacher, isn’t he ?

People shouldn’t drop litter on the pavements, should they ?

You found the key in the bedroom, didn’t you ?

They have a house in town, haven’t they ?/don’t they ?

The boy has to clean his room, doesn’t he ?

I am right, aren’t I ?

They’d rather go by bus, wouldn’t they ?

You’d better change your wet skirt, hadn’t you ?

He’d like to join our discussion, wouldn’t he ?

She ought to see a doctor at once, shouldn’t she ? / oughtn’t she ?

I wish to say a few words, may I ?

That’s nice, isn’t it ?

This is the place, isn’t it ?

Everybody knows the answer, don’t they ?

Nothing is serious, isn’t it?

There wasn’t enough time at that moment, was there ?

There used to a tower here, usedn’t there? / didn’t there ?

What you need is more practice, isn’t it ?



表示肯定意义的祈使句,即表示“请求,提示”它的反意疑问句用will you 表达:有时也可以用won’t you 表示。

Go home now, will you ?

Close the window, please, will you ?

否定祈使句:以Don’t开始的祈使句:表示“不要……”,用will you 提问:

Don’t be late again, will you ?

Don’t forget to pay your income tax, will you ?

Let’s引导的祈使句表示“建议”,反意疑问句部分是:shall we ?

Let’s go for a walk, shall we ?

Let’s have a rest now, shall we ?

Let me 或 Let us引导的祈使句表示“请求”,反意疑问句部分为will you:

Let me have a try, will you ?

Let us help, will you ?

2) 感叹句的反意疑问句:一律用否定式提问。

What a clever boy, isn’t he ?

What a lovely day, isn’t it?

3) 陈述句含有情态动词must有两种情况:

must表示“必须”,反意疑问句部分为mustn’t…? / needn’t…?

He must study hard at English, mustn’t he? / needn’t he?

You must go home now, needn’t you? / mustn’t you?

We mustn’t be late, must we ?

Must表示推测:“一定,肯定” 反意疑问句部分与must后面的动词呼应

You must be joking, aren’t you?

He must be ill, isn’t he ?

注意:用must对过去的动作推测时,反意疑问句部分的助动词用did或have, 而对过去的状态推测,反意疑问句部分的be动词用was:

She must have finished her work, hasn’t she ? / didn’t she ?

Jack must have arrived here yesterday, didn’t he ?

He must have been a policeman, wasn’t he ?

4) 陈述句中有否定副词:hardly; never; seldom; little; few; nowhere; nothing等词,反意疑问句部分用肯定提问:

Frank hardly goes to parties, does he ?

He has few friends, has he ?


He was punished because he violated the regulation, wasn’t he?

You never told me that you had been ill, did you ?

注意:I don’t think/suppose/believe/imagine 引导的宾语从句,这种宾语从句的反意疑问句应与从句的主语,谓语部分一致,而且用肯定式的提问。

I don’t suppose anyone will volunteer, will they ?

I don’t believe she has done it, has she ?

I think he will come. won’t he?

2015-2016高考英语二轮复习反义疑问句重要知识点的全部内容就是这些,威廉希尔app 希望对考生复习英语有帮助。


名师讲解高考英语二轮复习have to与must的区别 



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