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8.(杭州二中2008学年高三年级第五次月考,英语,6)His colleagues ______ him though he himself didn’t think he had done anything special.

A. thought highly of B. looked up to

C. sing high praise of D. show great respect for

【解析】think highly of 固定搭配,译为“对…评价高”符合题意。Show great respect 后应用介词to, C 说法错误,look up to 向上看,不合题意。


9.(大庆市高三年级第一次教学质量检测试题,英语。33)Hard work and lack of sleep have her beauty and youth in recent years.

A. worn out B.tried out C made out D.sent out

【解析】worn out耗尽,筋疲力尽; tried out试验, 考验, 提炼;make out书写, 填写, 拼凑, 进展, 说明, 设法应付, 理解, 辨认出; sent out发出。


10.(厦门市2009年高中毕业班质量检查,英语,23)It’s obvious that the Beijing Olympic Games a great seccess.

A.kept B.showed C proved D.remained

【解析】show sb sth 出示某物给某人看;keep保持;prove证明是;符合题意,remain仍然。


11. Before the war broke out, many people ______in safe places possessions they could not take with them.

A. throw away B.put away C.gave away D.carried away

【解析】 句意:战争爆发前,好多人把一些不能带走的东西存放在安全的地方。put away存储,存放;throw away扔掉;give away 泄露,赠送;carry away拿走。


12. The company is atarting a new advertising campaign to ______new custumers to its stores.

A.join B. attract C.stick D.transfer

【解析】 句意:为了把新的顾客吸引到店内,公司开始了一场新的广告战。Attract吸引;transfer 转让,转移。


13. Modern plastics can ______very high and very low temperatures.

A. stand B.seeking C.finding D.looking for

【解析】 句意:新型的塑料袋能够承受很高和很低的温度。stand承受,经受,经得起。hold支撑,carry 运载 support 支撑,养活。


14. It was already past midnight and only three young men ______in the house.

A.left B.remained C. delayed D. deserted

【解析】 句意:已过午夜,只有三个青年那字还在茶馆里。leave,离开,使保留;desert,抛弃,舍弃。A 项应用被动语态, C 和D不合句意。


15.In this seaside resort,you can __________all the comfort and convenience of modern tourism.(山东2007)








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