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16.China has been pushing the reform of public hospitals ________ all its citizens.(2012·福建,26)

A.in charge of      B.for the purpose of

C.in honor of      D.for the benefit of

答案 D

解析 in charge of掌管,负责;for the purpose of为了……目的;in honor of为了纪念……;for the benefit of为了……的利益。句意为:为了所有公民的利益,中国一直在推动公立医院的改革。根据句意可知D项意思最符合。

17.Brown said he was by no means annoyed;________he was glad to be able to make himself clearly understood.  (2012·浙江,14)

A.all in all       B.for one thing

C.on the contrary     D.by the way

答案 C

解析 句意为:布朗说他一点儿都不恼火。相反他很高兴能够让别人清楚地理解他。on the contrary相反,符合句意。all in all总而言之;for one thing首先,一方面;by the way顺便讲一下。解题的关键是对词组by no means=never(决不)的理解。

18.________all the animals I've ever had,these two dogs are the most sensitive to the spoken word.  (2012·浙江,6)

A.From       B.Of

C.For       D.With

答案 B

解析 two dogs属于all animals,故用介词of表示这种关系,如:many of us,我们中的许多人。故B项符合语境。

19.An agreement seems to be impossible because the majority of the committee members are ________ it.  (2012·陕西,11)

A.against       B.for

C.to        D.with

答案 A

解析 考查介词。be against反对,符合句意。be for支持,赞成;be to到达;be with和……在一起,都与句意不符。

20.Do you think this shirt is too tight ________ the shoulders? (2012·北京,34)

A.at        B.on

C.to        D.across

答案 D

解析 at在……;on在……之上;to关于;across穿过,横穿。across表示的动作是在某一物体的表面进行的,而at和on指在小的位置点上,比如at the corner of the desk在桌角,on the corner of the street在街道拐角处;而题中是衬衫在肩膀处太紧,shoulder应是在一个范围内,故用across。句意为:你觉得这件衬衫在肩膀处太紧吗?


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