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BBC Complaints Code of Practice

How to complain

There are three stages in the process. Within 12 weeks from the transmission(播放)you can:

★ make a complaint via www. bbc. co. uk,

★ or ring BBC Information on 08700 100 222,

★ or write to BBC Complaints, PO Box 1922, Glasgow G2 3WT.

Stage 1: What happens first when I make a complaint?

You will receive a response when our research is complete. We aim to reply within 10 working days depending on the nature of your complaint.

If we have made a mistake we will apologize and take action to stop it happening again.

Stage 2: If I’m not satisfied with the reply, what can I do next?

If your complaint was not about a specific programme, please contact the person who responded at first to take the matter further.

If your complaint was about a specific item broadcast and you believe it has broken the BBC’s editorial standards, please write within 12 weeks to the Editorial Complaints Unit(ECU), 5168 White City, Media Village, 201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TS.

The ECU will independently investigate your complaint in writing, decide if it is justified, and ensure that the programme or the division takes appropriate action in response to the finding.

Stage 3: If I still think the BBC has got it wrong what can I do?

If your complaint was not about a specific programme, the BBC may refer it to senior management and if necessary to the Complaints Management Board.

If you are dissatisfied with the decision of the ECU you can appeal to the BBC Trust’s Editorial Standards Committee(ESC)within eight weeks. It will consider both your appeal and the BBC’s response and decide whether you have a justified complaint.

We aim to treat every complainant(投诉者)equally and with respect and expect equal consideration to be shown in return to our staff who handle complaints.

73. What will the BBC do first when it receives a complaint?

A. Reply to it and apologize.

B. Research it.

C. Send it to the related division.

D. Hand it to the Editorial Complaints Unit.

74. If you are not satisfied with the BBC’s first response, you may ____.

A. ring BBC Information on 08700 100 222

B. contact the person who responded at first if your complaint was not about a specific programme

C. write to the ECU if your complaint was not about a specific programme

D. appeal to the Complaints Management Board

75. Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?

A. There are three stages in the BBC’s research of complaints.

B. Whether your complaint is about a specific programme or not, you will be handled equally efficiently.

C. The ESC will not only listen to you when handling the complaint.

D. The BBC expects that complainants will show respect to its staff who handle complaints.


第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节  短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

My family lived on a farm when I was a little boy.

We often play games together, such as hide-and-seek.            76. ____

One of us would hide and others would try to find him.          77. ____

I remember a time I hid behind some old wood in the cottage.        78. ____

All was silent. I couldn’t hear a sound, just the wind blow.           79. ____

I was scared. And the longer I waited for, the more scared I became.   80. ____

Eventual, I heard footsteps coming down the yard.               81. ____

I saw my brother getting closer and closer.                  82. ____

When he saw me, he laughed loudly, shouting in the top of his voice     83. ____

so that someone could hear him say, “Eh, I’ve found our Tommy!”    84. ____

Though it was long time before, I can still see the look on his face today.  85. ____

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)



1. 雪灾严重影响了人们的生活;

2. 人们齐心协力,共同迎战暴风雪;

3. 这个过程让我看到了……


21-25 ACCDB    26-30 CCACD    31-35 AACBB

36-40 ACADC    41-45 BCABA    46-50 DDBCA    51-55 DBBDC

56-60 DDDCB    61-65 BCDDD    66-70 CACBB    71-75 CCBBA

短文改错(One possible version)

76. play → played 77. others前加the 78. a → one 79. blow → blowing

80. 去掉for 81. Eventual → Eventually 82. √ 83. in → at

84. someone → everyone 85. before → ago

书面表达(One possible version)

Dear Editor,

In January 2008, many parts in the south of China experienced the worst snowstorms. The disaster greatly affected the lives of people. Many vehicles were trapped on the road, many flights were cancelled, and many trains were delayed. Worse still, some areas suffered power failures. However, in the face of this disaster, people united to fight against the heavy snowstorms, making every effort to rescue the people trapped in the snowstorms and to ensure that everything would return to normal as soon as possible.

During these days, we can feel from TV and newspaper reports, and from people’s reactions that love exists everywhere.

Sincerely yours,

Wang Ming


21. A。tip为可数名词,15-percent作定语修饰tip,第一空填a,表示”一份15%的小费”;most表示“大多数”的意思时不用冠词。

22. C。when 在此引导非限制性定语从句,等于during which, 在从句中作时间状语。

23. C。There is no point in doing sth为固定句型,意为:做……是没有意义的,没有用的。

24. D。根据语境,第一人对其母亲表示关心,第二人应表示感谢。

25. B。分词短语在句中作时间状语。由于she是stand动作的执行者,所以要用现在分词。

27. C。根据后面的there is no rush可知应选take your time,其意为to do something slowly or carefully without hurrying。

28. A。逗号之前是一个让步状语从句,正常语序时应该是Though / Although red was unpopular in the past。可以把作表语的unpopular 放在句首,在表语和主语之间加as。本句意思为:虽然过去人们不喜欢红色(的头发),眼下红色却是备受青睐的头发颜色。

29. C。escape后跟动名词作宾语;由于主语the little boy是burn动作的承受者,所以要用动名词的被动式。

31. A。第一个人在“刚才”问时就已经知道了,所以第二个人用一般过去时问第一个人“你是怎么(在我承认我是第一次来之前)知道的?”

32. A。available在该句意为not too busy to do sth, 是正确选项。B表示“有能力的”;C表示“可接受的”;D表示“平易近人的”。

33. C。根据后面的“I don’t care”,可知格林先生认为任何一个计划都是可以的。

34. B。So what? 意为“那又怎么样呢?”,用来表示说话人对某事不在意,认为其不重要;符合语境。

35. B。is后为that引导的表语从句;在表语从句中,包含有由what引导的主语从句what they do,what在主语从句中作do的宾语。

36. A。夏季经常发生森林大火,故每年的大火使许多森林严重受损。damage损坏,毁坏;动作的承受者多为物,injure使人受伤;wound 尤指用刀、枪等伤害某人;hurt伤人的身体或感情。

37. C。这里需要一个表示“继续,持续”且相当于不及物动词的词组,只有go on 符合。

38. A。大火应该产生热。B表示“能量”;C表示“发烧”;D表示“烧伤”,均不符合句意。

39. D。根据语境,这里应是等Lulu回屋。

40. C。根据上文可知我没有抱任何指望 Lulu能够重新回来。故此句意思为:其实,我在等待着消防人员来告知我Lulu的死讯。

41. B。能够用于“v. + sb + that从句”结构的只有A、B项;A项不符合语境。

42. C。根据后文,Lulu成功救出了4只小猫。

43. A。safe安全的;cool凉爽的;lonely寂寞的;beautiful漂亮的。根据语境这里应选safe。

44. B。pick out挑出;pick up接;bring on 引起;bring up抚养。根据上下文“我”同消防人员一起去接那四只被Lulu救了的小猫。

45. A。表示“现场”的只有A项。

46. D。根据下文“Then the sound of a dog came from the forest”,可知我们到达事故现场时Lulu并不在那里。

47. D。根据后面的barking,这里应填表示“声音”的词。A表示“说话声,嗓音”,多用于人的声音;B表示“噪音”,与语境不符;C表示“口音”。

48. B。这里的意思是:我听出了是我的狗在叫。acknowledge 承认;recognize分辨出,认出,(此处为听出);hear听见;listen听,不及物。

49. C。大声地叫,应用loudly。

50. A。根据句意,该消防员身受重伤,只能是被动地等待别人来救援。

51. D。根据语境和搭配应选proud, be proud of表示“对……感到自豪”。

52. B。表示具体的行为用action。

53. B。这里是表示“像他这样的动物”。

54. D。根据上下文及逻辑可知消防人员应在灭火。put off推迟;put away把……收起来;put up举起,张贴;put out扑灭。

55. C。该空前的loving表示“有爱心的”,后面的compassionate表示“有同情心的”,这里应填与其并列的caring“关心他人的”。

56. D。从上文My daughter listened to me sheepishly, not trying to defend herself at all, but the pain could be seen written across her face. 可以看出女儿局促不安地听着,没有打算为自己辩护,因此她只会默默地回到自己房间去。

57. D。两个小孩将作者原本用来做婴儿毯的材料做成了*垫,并在上面写了“I LOVE MOM”。小孩道歉的话是写在另一张纸条上的。

58. D。根据最后一段,作者在现在想起时仍然会噙着泪水,可知她对自己当时的行为感到后悔;A、B、C都不能从文章的内容推出。

59. C。主旨大意题。本文主要通过一个感人的故事向我们讲述了孩子对母亲的爱。A项虽与文章内容有关,但并非全文主旨。

60. B。该题题干问的是参与实验的人在实验中具体做了什么,A、C明显是错误的;D项是实验的结果,而非过程;根据第二段内容,B项正确。

61. B。文章第五段第一句话提到了人们判断改变的过程,正确答案为B。

62. C。根据第五段C的表述是错误的;根据“If you exhibit positive characters such as honesty and helpfulness, the chances are that you will be thought as a good-looking person …”,A的表述正确;根据“The findings show that a positive personality leads to greater expectation as a friend …”,B表述正确;根据最后一段D表述正确。

63. D。文章主要讲的是一个人的性格会影响别人对他或她的外表吸引力的看法。作者是以客观的态度来报道该实验及其结果的。

64. D。根据文章最后一段,火炬手选拔的标准之一为“love of Chinese culture and history”,由此可推断Jenny Bowen是热爱中国文化和历史的;A项文章并未提到;B、C项与文章内容不符。

65. D。根据第三段“Bowen hopes that running with the Olympic torch will help draw attention to the children in China. ”可得出答案。

66. C。第三段提到“it will be the longest torch relay in Olympic history. ”,但文章并未提到是runners最多的;根据“in a contest organized by … Lenovo Group and … China Daily. ”A的表述是正确的;根据倒数第二段,B表述正确;根据最后一段,D表述正确。

67. A。主旨大意题。文章主要讲的是生活在北京的Bowen将成为2008年为北京奥运会传递火炬的唯一一位美国人。

68. C。文章首先概述事件本身,接着分析背景,然后顺带提到其它相关信息,根据其结构,应为新闻报道。

69. B。文章中一共提到了五个国家。分别是:法国、俄罗斯、美国、英国和澳大利亚。

70. B。猜测词义题。根据上下文可知此句的意思为:除了这些新鲜的庆祝方式外,一些旧传统也被沿袭。也可根据文章第二段“Several European countries rang in the new year in new ways. ”推知。

71. C。根据文章可知法国实行禁烟从今年1月1日起,故A错误;colorful crystal balls是美国时代广场的节目,故B错误;根据倒数第二段内容,C正确;D项文章未提到。

72. C。文章第二段提到法国在室内禁烟,并不能推出它会全面禁烟的信息,A错误;“Valdimir Putin will stay in power as prime minister”是俄罗斯人民的希望,而非事实,B项错误;根据第5段我们知道在纽约时代广场,今年的水晶球则采用了节能技术,球体外表覆盖着一层沃特福德水晶,内置9,576个发光二极管,发出五彩的光芒,故我们可推出高科技发挥了重要作用;D项是文章直接提到的,而非推理得出。

73. B。根据“You will receive a response when our research is complete. ”,可以得出答案。

74. B。根据第二个步骤中的内容可以得出答案;A为第一次投诉的方式。

75. A。投诉的过程有三个步骤,而非对投诉的调查过程,因此A项表述是错误的;根据文章最后一句话,B、D项表述正确;根据“It will consider both your appeal and the BBC’s response …”,C项表述正确。

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