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One month into my French degree course at Nottingham University, I was eager to travel around, having just spent a year working as a teacher in Nepal. Two years later, my schedule reads more like a traveller's than a student's does , having spent 18 months abroad under university programmes.

I have seen many students abandon their studies, desiring to see the world before making any long-term decisions. My advice for would-be globe travellers is to choose a degree subject that you find truly interesting, and use the resources available to see as much of the world as possible. So no longer does the “travel or study" question need an either/or response ; with a little research and organization, it’s possible to combine the two. Two programmes that allow you to do this are "Erasmus" and "U21".

The Erasmus Programme aims to increase student mobility within the European Union and associated states. Participants under this programme get to spend a semester (学期)at a foreign university, often receiving a grant(助学金)from the EU or their home department. By the start of the next academic year, more than one million students will have benefited under Erasmus. Not only do you get to sit through hours of lectures in the local language , you also gain cultural experience in the country. France, Germany and Spain are always popular, but the EU encourages applications to countries where less popular languages are spoken,such as Greece and Portugal. Theoretically» students of any subject can participate in the Erasmus Programme , although it depends on the involvement of your specific department in the project. The reality is that, in many universities, the programme-is most commonly intended for modern language students.

For a French student like me, Melbourne in Australia seems an unlikely- destination ,yet I was sent there in my second year. U21 is a multinational association of universities throughout the world, which have united to offer their students the opportunity to study abroad for a semester. The applicant's destination depends on the links between their department and the corresponding departments ofmember universities , which can be found in countries such as New Zealand , China , Singapore , Canada, Sweden and the United States.

60. What happened to many students who travelled while studying?

A. They chose a degree subject that they found truly interesting.

B. They abandoned their studies.

C. They used the resources available to see the world.

D. They responded to the “travel or study " question.

61. Who is most likely to be chosen by the Erasmus Programme?

A. A student from the EU.

B. A student who would be a global traveller.

C. A modern language student.

D. A student involved in a specific department.

62. Which of the following can be tl^e best title for the passage?

A. Seeing the World with University Students

B. Studying and Traveling in the European Union

C. Experiencing Foreign Cultures

D- Studying Abroad under University Programmes


Environmentalists said our planet was doomed to die. Now one man says they are wrong.

"Everyone knows the planet is in bad shape,,,thundered a magazine article last year. Species(物种)are being driven to die out at record rates, and the rivers are so poisonous that fish are floating on the surface , dead.

But there's a growing belief that what everyone takes for granted is wrong : things are actually getting better. A new book is about to overturn our most basic assumptions about the world’s environment. Rivers , seas, rain and the atmosphere are all getting cleaner. The total amount of forests in the world is not declining. The Skeptical Environmentalist by Bjorn Lomborg ? professor of statistics at the University of Aarhus in Denmark, is an attack on the misleading claims of environ¬mental groups, and the ‘‘bad news" culture that makes people believe everything is getting worse.

Now the attacks are increasingly coming from left-wing environmentalists such as Lomborg, a former member of Greenpeace. The accusation is that, although the environment is improving, green groups — with profits of hundreds of millions of pounds a year — are using scare tactics (谋略)to gain donations. Lomborg's bookdoesn't deny global warming—probably the biggest environmental threat—butdestroys almost every other environmental claim with many official statistics.

The Worldwatch Institute claims that "deforestation has been accelerating over the last 30 years”. But Lomborg says that is simply rubbish. Since the dawn of agriculture the world has lost about 20 per cent of its forest cover,but in recent decades the forest area's depleting has come to a stop. According to UN figures, the area of forests has remained almost steady, at about 30 per cent of total land area , since the 1940s. Forests in countries such as the US,UK and Canada have actually been expanding over the past 40 years. Despite all the warnings the Amazon rainfor¬est has only shrunk(缩小) by about 15 per cent.

Nor are all our species dying out. Some campaigners claim that 50 per cent of all species will have died out within 50 years. But other studies show only 0. 08 per cent of species are dying out each year. Conservation efforts have been successful. Whales are no longer threatened and the bald eagle is off the endangered list.

Environmental groups claim that many of the improvements are the results of the success of their campaigns. Stephen Tindale,director of Greenpeace UK,said : “There are important examples , such as acid rain and ozone,where things weren't as bad as predicted, and that*s because behaviour changed. ’,

63. In his book, The Skeptical Environmentalist, what is Lomborg's main argument?

A. Our planet is in bad shape.

B. The world's environment is improving.

C. The total amount of forests in the world is not declining.

D. Conservation efforts have been successful.

64. What is Lomborg's main accusation of environmentalists?

A. They scared people into making donations.

B. They overturned our basic assumptions about the world's environment.

C. They changed their behavior toward the environment.

D. They only told people bad news about the environment.

65. The underlined word “depleting” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to “____ ”

A. reducing B. limiting C. expanding D. accelerating

66. According to the passage, which of the following statements indicates positive

aspects of the environment?

A. The total area of forests in the world has increased significantly.

. i

B. The effects of global warming are not as bad as first expected.

C. It appears that the bald eagle will now survive.

D. In the last 50 years the number of whales has increased.


When she was a girl of sixteen and before she began to work in the store , Alice had dated a young man. The young man, named Ned Currie, was older than Alice. He was employed on the local newspaper and for a long time he went to see Alice almost every evening. Together the two walked under the trees through the streets of the town and talked of what they would do with their lives. Alice was then a very pretty girl and one night Ned took her into his arms and kissed her. He became excited and said things he did not intend to say and Alice, betrayed by her desire to have something beautiful come into her narrow life, also grew excited. She also talked. The outer crust(壳)of her life , all of her natural shyness and reserve, was torn away and she gave herself over to the emotions of love.

When,late in the fall,Ned went away to Cleveland to try to get a place on a city newspaper and rise in the world , she wanted to go with him. With a trembling voice she told him what was in her mind. “I will work and you can work,,,she said. “I don't want to tie you to a needless expense that will stop you making progress. Don't marry me now. We'll get along without that and we can be together. Even though we live in the same house, no one will say anything. In the city we'll be unknown and people will pay no attention to us."

Ned was puzzled by his sweetheart's determination and was also deeply touched. He had wanted a girlfriend just to relieve the boredom of h.is life but had changed his mind. He now wanted to protect her and care for her. “You don't know what you're talking about,,,he said sharply; "I'll let you do no such thing. As soon as I get a good job , I'll come back. For the present you'll have to stay here. It's the only thing we can do.,,

On the evening before he left Winesburg, Ned went to call on Alice. They walked about through the streets for an hour and then went for a drive in the country. The moon came up and they found themselves unable to talk. They stopped at a place where a long meadow ran down to the bank of Wine Creek and there in the dim light he kissed her and promised he would love her forever. When they returned •to town, it did not seem to them that anything in the iuture could blot out (拭去)the wonder and beauty of that evening. ‘‘Now we will have to stick to each other; whatever happens, we will have to do that,” Ned said as he left the girl at her father's door.

He did not succeed in getting a place on a Cleveland newspaper and went west to Chicago. For a time he was lonely and wrote to Alice almost every day. Then he was caught up by the life of the city ; he began to make friends and found new interests in life. In Chicago he boarded at a house where there were.several women. One of them attracted his attention and he forgot Alice in Winesburg. At the end of a year he had stopped writing letters, and only once in a long time , when he was lonely or when he went into one of the city parks and saw the moon shining on the grass as it had shone that night on the meadow by Wine Creek , did he think of her at all.

67. The general tone of this text is .

A. angry B. optimistic C. supportive D. sad

68. What can be inferred from the underlined phrase "With a trembling voice,,in Paragraph 2?

A. Alice was excited. B. Alice was regretful.

C. Alice was confident. D. Alice was uncertain.

69. Ned wrote to Alice almost every day because he .

A. loved her very much

B. hoped she would join him in Chicago

C. did not have anything better to do

D. had a lot of interesting things to tell her

70. Which of the following words can BEST describe Ned?

A. Protective. B. Changeable. C. Greedy. D. Faithful.


请认真阅读下列短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入最恰当的单词。注意:每 空格1个单词。

On my first job as sports editor for Leader Enterprise, I didn't get a lot of fan mail,so I was attracted by a letter that was dropped on my desk one morning.

When I opened it, I read : “A nice piece of writing on the Tigers. Keep up the good work.,,It was signed by Don Wolfe,the sports editor. Because I was a teenag¬er ,his words couldn't have been more inspiring. I kept the letter in my desk draw¬er. Whenever I doubted whether I had the talent to be a writer,I would reread Don's letter and feel confident again.

Later,when I got to know him, I learned that Don made a habit of writing a few quick , encouraging words to people in all walks of life. ‘When I make others feel good about themselves,,,he told me,‘I feel good too. ”

Over the years , I’ve tried to copy the example of Don,because I think they are on to something important. Such letters bring warmth. A few lines of praise have been known to turn around a day, even a life.

Why, then, are there few such letter writers? My guess is that they’re afraid they'll be misunderstood, and sound insincere. Also, writing takes time ; it’s far easier to pick up the phone. •

Even though letter writing may take longer, some pretty busy people do it,

including George Bush , who owes much of his success in politics to his ever-ready

pen. How? Throughout his career he has followed up every contact with a line of praise or thanks. His letters go not only to friends and colleagues, but to casual acquaintances and total strangers.

Even top managers have begun to learn the lesson, and earn the benefits of writing letters that lift people up. Former Ford chairman Donald Peterson, who is largely responsible for improving the business of the company in the 1980s, made it a practice to write positive messages to colleagues every day.

What does it take to write letters that lift spirits and warm hearts? The most successful people include what I call the four “S,s,,of letter writing.

They are sincere. No one wants false praise.

They are usually short. Say what you want to in three sentences.

They are specific. Praising a business colleague by telling him "good speech” is too vague ; “great story about Warren Buffet,s investment strategy,,is precise.

They are spontaneous (自发的).This gives them the freshness and enthusiasm that will stay in the reader's mind long afterward.

- The ,thought counts. Please keep paper, envelopes and stamps close at hand, even when you travel. Be generous with your praise. Even if your praise is a little ahead of reality, remember that expectations are often the parents of dreams fulfilled.

Today I got a warm letter from my old boss. His little letter to me was full of uplifting phrases , and it sent me to my computer to write a few overdue letters of my own. I don't know if they will make anybody else's day, but they made mine. As my friend Don Wolfe said, making others feel good about themselves makes me feel good too.

The Power of a Letter

Examples Advantages ,

Don Wolfe To encourage others and make them as well as 71. ___▲___ feeling good

George Bush To keep 72. ___▲___ with others to make his 73.___▲___ carceer successful

Donald Peterson To change the company for the 74. ___▲___

The writer's old 75. ___▲___ To warm the writer's heart and send him to write to others

76. ___▲___ can we write encouraging letters well?

Praise should be sincere , not 77. ___▲___.

Praise should be short, not long. Praise should be 78. ___▲___ ,not vague. Praise should be spontaneous , not unnatural. People should be 79. __▲___to praise others.

People should be well prepared by 80. ___▲___ paper, envelopes and stamps close at hand.

第五部分 书面表达(满分25分)

一年一度的寒假即将来临,《中学生英语》杂志准备出版专刊“快乐寒假”。因此,请你写一篇英 文稿件。你的叙述须包含下列话题:1.往年寒假难忘的一件事(过程及感想);2.今年寒假的打算 (至少3点,娱乐、学习、其他);3.你的愿望。


2) 词数:150词左右。短文开头已为你写好,不计入总词数。

3) 文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。

The winter holiday we are looking forward to is drawing near. The past holidays brought me many wonderful memories. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________


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