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Ⅰ. 听力(满分30分)

1-5 ACACB     6-10 BBABA    11-15 BACAA     16-20 BCBCC

Ⅱ. 阅读理解(满分40分)

21-24 BCDC  25-28 ABAC  29-32 CBDC  33-35 ADA  36-40 EBDFC

Ⅲ. 完形填空(满分30分)

41-45 CDCBD   46-50 CAABC   51-55 ABCBD    56-60 ABDBC

Ⅳ. 语法填空(满分15分)

61. younger/youngest   62. an/one  63. probably  64. have reached  65. what

66. in  67. phoning   68. something   69. off  70. to be charged/charging

Ⅴ. 短文改错:(满分10分)

71. leave--left      72. but ---so / and     73. arrived 加at    74. the large number of ----a large number of  75. picture---pictures     76. smiled--smiling   77. slow ---slowly

78. Dressing -- Dressed    79. more 去掉      80. my--his

Ⅵ. 书面表达:(满分25分)

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I’m Tony, a senior 3 student from England. I have many interests, especially music. I am good at playing the guitar. I also love singing pop songs and people tell me my voice sounds beautiful. In addition, I have a strong team spirit. I want to improve my spoken Chinese by joining the club. When there is an activity, I will be more than happy to serve as the host, which, I believe, can strengthen my skills and improve my abilities. What’s more, I believe that I can make many Chinese friends there.

I would appreciate it if you could allow me to join the club. Please email me on tony303@hotmail.com or call me at 87654321.

Yours sincerely,







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