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Some researchers claim that people´s personalities can be classified by their blood types.?If you have blood type O, you are a leader. When you see something you want, you strive to achieve your goal. You are passionate, loyal, and self-confident, and you are often a trendsetter. Your enthusiasm for projects and goals spreads to others who happily follow your lead. When you want something, you may be ruthless about getting it or blind to how your actions affect others. Another blood type, A, is a social, “people” person. You like people and work well with them. You are sensitive, patient, compassionate, and affectionate. You are a good peacekeeper because you want everybody to be happy. In a team situation, you resolve conflicts and keep things on a smooth course. Sometimes type As are stubborn and find it different to relax. They may also find it uncomfortable to do things alone.?

People with type B blood are usually individualists who like to do things on their own. You may be creative and adaptable, and you usually say exactly what you mean. Also you can adapt to situations, you may not choose to do so because of your strong independent streak. You may prefer working on your own to being part of a team. The final blood type is type AB. If you have AB blood, you are a natural entertainer. You draw people to your because of your charm and easygoing nature. ABs are usually calm and controlled, tactful and fair. On the downside, though, they may take too long to make decisions. And they may procrastinate, putting off tasks until the last minute.??

56. People with type O will do the following things except____.?

A. direct a board              B. burn the night´s oil?

C. be considerate             D. self-oriented?

57. Which of the following is not the feature of type A??

A. Stubborn.      B. Sensitive.?   C. Reserved.    D. Patient.?

58. What is Not true to type B??

A. He likes to work by himself.?

B. He doesn’t think much before he speaks.?

C. He has many original ideas.?

D. He cannot fit in with the environment.?

59. The best profession for a type AB is ____.?

A. Musician          B. Peacekeeper       ?C. Actor           D. Spokesman


The following are four forms about medicine. How to use the medicine is very important. Never take any by mistake.

1)Take the medicine with water, followed by one tablet every eight hours, as required. For further night - time and early morning, take two tablets at bedtime. Do not take more than six tablets in 24 hours. For Children six to twelve years old, go to your doctor for advice. Reduce dosage if nervousness, restlessness or sleeplessness takes place.

2)Each pill of the medicine taken three times every day for fourteen years old. As usual, a pill 6∶00 a. m., before breakfast, one before 11∶00 and one before sleep. Not for children under six years old and old persons with heart attack.

3)The medicine for a person with a fever. Once two pills a day before sleep for adult. Not take the medicine without fever. Half for Children under 12 years old. Children with a high fever, go to see a doctor.

4)The medicine taken three times a day, once five pills for adult with a cold. Half of the pills for children 10 years old. Take the medicine before breakfast, lunch, supper or before sleep.

60.Obviously a kind of medicine can’t be proper for ________, judging from the information.

A. children over twelve years old

B. some old persons with a fever

C. some old persons with heart attack

D. neither adults nor heart attack

61.When a person has a cold, he had better ________ .

A. have about more than fourteen pills a day

B. have twice a day

C. have four times a day

D. have nine pills a day

62.How many kinds of medicine are used for the children six years old?

A. All of them.

B. Three kinds of medicine.

C. Two kinds of medicine.

D. Almost not any medicine.


Global warming threatens to hold back human progress, and make unachievable all UN targets to reduce poverty, according to some of the world’s leading international and development groups.

I n a report published today, Oxfam, Greenpeace, Christian Aid, Friends of the Earth, WWF and 15 other groups say rich governments must immediately address climate change to avoid even “unbearable levels” of worldwide poverty.

“Food production, water supplies, public health and people’s living environment are already being damaged,” the report says. “The world must meet its promise to achieve poverty reduction and also deal with climate change.”

The report, which draws on UN predictions of the effects of climate change in poor countries over the next 50 years, says poor countries will experience more flooding, declining food production, more disease and the worsening or disappearing of entire ecosystems(生态系统)on which many of the world’s poorest people depend.

“Climate change needs to be addressed now. The poor will bear the burden of it. The frontline experience of many of us working in international development indicates that communities are having to fight against more extreme weather conditions.”

Climate change will play havoc(浩劫)with agriculture and water supplies and will increase diseases. “By 2025 the proportion of the world’s population living in countries of great water stress will almost double, to 6 billion people. Tropical and sub-tropical areas will be hardest hit — those countries already suffering from food shortage”.

Poor countries mostly do not need high-tech solutions, but would most benefit from education, research and being shown how to farm better. The report says unchecked global warming, more than wars or political confusion, will displace millions of people and destabilize (不安定) many countries.

63. ________ should play a leading role in resisting the more extreme weather conditions according to the report.

A. International groups           B. Poor countries

C. Rich countries                   D. Tropical and sub-tropical countries


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